Chapter 1376 Back to Twilight Academy 8
"Are you rich?" Cang Yuan raised his eyebrows, looked at Ye Xiaoye and asked.

Ye Xiaoye curled her lips and said, "Money? Yes, there is, but, Sister Cangyuan, don't you know that the Ye Mingzhu you got with your own hands is the most meaningful? Since every household in Yeming City If there are so many Ye Mingzhus, sister Cangyuan, you must know where to get them, right?"

Ye Xiaoye hugged Cang Yuan's arm like a dog, trying not to let her struggle away.

The corners of Cang Yuan's eyes twitched, seeing that Ye Xiaoye didn't say anything, once Ye Xiaoye said that, he knew what Ye Xiaoye was up to.

Immediately rolled his eyes, and said: "You think you can get it if you want it? Yeming City will protect the sea area, and Yeming City has a large population, and it can be regarded as the richest city. Who would eat it?" Attack when you are full? After all, people in the world of cultivating immortals pay more attention not to money, but to good seedlings!"

Even though Ye Mingzhu can't be sold much now, they used to hoard a lot of wealth.

"Cut! Don't many people in the world of cultivating immortals live the same life as ordinary people in the mainland? Why don't they pay attention to wealth? The only people who don't pay attention to wealth are those who don't need it at all!" Ye Xiaoye curled his lips, but he lacked what!No amount of silver is enough!
The corners of Cang Yuan's lips curled slightly, and he looked at Ye Xiaoye, "I think you want to catch the night pearl, so hide it?"

"If you know it, don't say it, I'm sorry." Ye Xiaoye blushed, and smiled.

Cang Yuan was so speechless that he rolled his eyes.

People often come to visit Yeming City, so there are quite a lot of inns. Cang Yuan and others found an inn to live in. Ye Xiaoye couldn't wait to ask where Cang Yuan fished for the night pearl.

Cang Yuan glanced at Ye Xiaoye, and asked dissatisfiedly, "Do you really regard me as the history record of the world of cultivating immortals? How do I know so much?"

However, Ye Xiaoye knew that Cang Yuan must have read hundreds of books and learned a lot!

"I don't care! Sister Cangyuan, you just know it!" Ye Xiaoye used everything to act like a baby.

Cang Yuan looked at Qing Jue with a headache, Qing Jue immediately looked at Ye Xiaoye, "Stop making trouble!"

"Uncle Qingjue... are you not on my side? I want to tell my mother immediately that you are bullying me! No! I want to run away from home!" Ye Xiaoye's face was full of grievances, and she was about to cry Said.

The corner of Cang Yuan's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help but said, "It's not that I didn't tell you, but that you can't go to the place where the Ye Mingzhu is. How many people died in order to get more and better Ye Mingzhu!"

"Why did you lose your life? Don't the people of Yeming City have a lot in their hands?" Ye Xiaoye gradually stopped making trouble, and looked at Cang Yuan and asked suspiciously.

Cang Yuan shook his head, "I haven't been here before, so I don't know the details. I only know that the ones that the common people took were left on the shore after the tide ebbed. You can pick them up at will. The bigger and better ones are always there. It’s deep in the bottom of the sea. If it’s just because it’s deep in the bottom of the sea, it’s not that there’s no way to get it up, but if you want it, your life will be in danger! So, now in Yeming City, only the luminous pearls seeping from the bottom of the sea are valuable.”

The implication is that those picked up by the common people are worthless, because there are too many in Yeming City!
"What danger will there be?" After hearing Cang Yuan's words, Ye Xiaoye wanted to take a look even more!

(End of this chapter)

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