Chapter 1379: Yeming City 3
I was also very happy when I heard the news.

Although being hunted down is not very good news, it is better than knowing nothing.

"Before the city lord from Licheng makes his move, let's hurry up!" Ye Rumu also said.

Ye Xiaoye, who was in Yeming City at the moment, didn't know that Ye Rumu and Baili Yao had already guessed about him and were rushing to Yeming City.

Ye Xiaoye picked up the rice in the bowl, remembering what happened to the city lord of Licheng, looked up at Cang Yuan and Qing Jue, and asked, "How do you plan to solve the matter of the city lord of Licheng? If you really catch up What should we do? Will the people of Yeming City send us out in order not to damage the neighborhood relationship?"

Qing Jue raised his eyebrows, and said: "I don't know about this, I only met the city lord of Licheng, and I think it is possible that he is going to catch up."

"Ah? Then what should we do? If we catch up, the people of Yeming City will definitely not let us go after hearing what the people from Li City say?" Ye Xiaoye immediately became nervous.

"Why don't we disguise ourselves? Uncle Qingjue, didn't mother teach you to disguise yourself?" Ye Xiaoye looked at Qingjue pitifully.

Qing Jue shook his head and said flatly, "It's futile."

"Why?" Ye Xiaoye stared at Qing Jue with wide eyes, how could it be futile?
"Our identities are easy to identify, a man and a woman, a boy about ten years old." Qing Jue's words broke Ye Xiaoye's thoughts.

Cang Yuan also nodded, "Yes, our identities are easy to recognize, if it doesn't work then, we should leave Yeming City."

Ye Xiaoye's complexion suddenly turned bad, his heart hurts, his flesh hurts even more!
Are you teasing him by leaving without getting anything?

Thinking of the white silver and the round night pearl, Ye Xiaoye's flesh hurts.

Sighed, that's all, life is not as important as money... Wait!Wrong, money is not as important as life.

Ye Xiaoye has shown an extreme fondness for gold and silver treasures since he was a child, so Qing Jue knew what Ye Xiaoye was thinking when he saw Ye Xiaoye's face full of pain.

Ye Xiaoye struggled and said: "Originally, people in the world of cultivating immortals were quite poor, but now they finally have a rich city, but if they can't take a little away, they have to leave, alas."

"Don't think about it." Cang Yuan touched Ye Xiaoye's head and said with a smile: "People in the world of cultivating immortals are frugal and spend their spare time cultivating. Who would think about making money all day long? Except those who are on the road of cultivation Those who can no longer make greater progress, no one is willing to waste precious time doing these things they think are superfluous.”

After all, at a certain level, if you don't look for money, the money will come to them.

Ye Xiaoye pouted, they must not know the joy of having money!
"Then when do we leave?" Ye Xiaoye asked after swallowing his last mouthful of food.

"The last few days." Qing Jue thought for a while, and immediately made a decision.

"Since there are still a few days left, why don't we go to the beach and have a look?" What Ye Xiaoye thought was, even if there are no big pearls to pick up, it's okay to pick up some small ones?

Qing Jue frowned and looked at Cang Yuan.

The corners of Cang Yuan's lips twitched, and he said, "Why don't you... take Xiao Ye to have a look. If Xiao Ye doesn't look at it, I think she will always be worried."

Qing Jue thought, according to Ye Xiaoye's temperament, he said: "Okay, after dinner, I will go to the beach immediately."

(End of this chapter)

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