Peerless Princess: Pit Niang Meng Bao Monster Evil Father

Chapter 1403 Going to Flower Valley Again 3

Chapter 1403 Going to Baihua Valley Again 3
Although Ye Rumu always reminded Lingzhi not to eavesdrop, Lingzhi still wanted to eavesdrop from time to time.

"Don't worry, after a certain period of time, the taboos of the Hundred Flowers Valley will be gone, and then all the spiritual beings in the Hundred Flowers Valley will be able to return to their original places." Lingzhi said, feeling a little sad.

When the master left, he had calculated the way out for everyone.

Ye Rumu nodded silently, then said nothing, looked at Lingzhi's back, and asked lightly: "Ganoderma, do you want to be free?"

Lingzhi frowned, looked at Ye Rumu puzzled, and asked, "Is my life not free enough?"

That's right, although Ye Rumu is her master in name, Ye Rumu won't intervene in what she wants to do, eat as much as she wants, sleep as much as she wants, Ye Rumu won't cause trouble for her, This kind of life, hmm... pretty good.

"What I'm talking about is that you restore your identity as a person, don't recognize anyone as your master, and go wherever you want." Ye Rumu couldn't help adding.

Lingzhi shook his head and said firmly: "No, I think this is fine now. With you here, I can eat and drink without worrying about being coveted by others. Besides, I recognize you as my Master, I have nothing to lose!"

In the past, she had to obey the master's order to recognize Ye Rumu as her master, but now, Lingzhi is willing to recognize Ye Rumu as her master!

"Really?" Ye Rumu curled his lips and smiled, looking at Lingzhi, knowing that Lingzhi accepted her from the bottom of his heart, Ye Rumu was also a little emotional.

"Hmph, of course!" Ganoderma lucidum snorted proudly, seeing that it was getting late after picking the snow maiden fruit for a day, she asked, "Shall we go overnight or stay here?"

Didn't you go to Baihua City because you didn't want to live here?
However, Ye Rumu, who had been to Baihua City once, no longer wanted to go again!
"Let's just make do with it for the night and leave tomorrow morning." It doesn't matter whether you go or not go to that indifferent city of Baihua City, so you might sleep more comfortably here.

Ganoderma lucidum naturally had no objection, and was even a little happy, she hasn't come back for a long time!
Ye Rumu glanced at the snow girl fruit in the storage space, and it can be kept forever.

Ye Rumu didn't dare to take it out to the strange students of Twilight Academy easily. If someone recognized that it was the Snow Maiden Fruit, he didn't know how much trouble it would bring to Twilight Academy, not to mention, Twilight Academy now Not everyone knows the students, whether they really want to come to the Twilight Academy, or whether they are sent by other academies to be undercover agents!

Mu Daoyu would not teach Mu Yan and others together with the new students.

Now Muyan and Mu Yimu have assumed the responsibility of teaching students.

What worries Ye Rumu the most is Yunfeng and Yunxing. Now Yunfeng and Yunxing have not started to practice, but they have already reached the ultimate spiritual power from the mainland. No!

As for Yilian... It is not certain whether Yilian will follow them to the fairyland, maybe Yilian can only stay in the realm of cultivating immortals, and there is Ye Wuqing, Wuqing is now cultivating at a very fast speed, Ye Rumu is not worried She was worried, just didn't know where she went now?
(End of this chapter)

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