Chapter 1406 Toad 2
I couldn't help but start to look around. I didn't look carefully when I came here, but now I saw that the surrounding flowers and trees were all withered, and only a small area was like this. Ye Rumu guessed that this toad might be given by Mimeng. She was locked up here, she couldn't get out of this area, and Ye Rumu was controlled by the toad precisely because she had stepped into the area of ​​the toad!

After the toad finished speaking, he turned and went into her hole. Ye Rumu didn't know what she was messing with, but he knew it must have something to do with her!

Ye Rumu couldn't see through the toad's spiritual power, but Ye Rumu knew that the toad was only in the realm of the holy spirit, and if he reached the gods, he wouldn't be here anymore!

Ye Rumu called Ganoderma over and over again in his heart, but Lingzhi didn't know what to do, and there was no response!
Ye Rumu's heart sank. In the current situation, either she will be promoted to the Holy Spirit and compete with the toad, or she will be skinned and eaten by the toad!

The toad came out with a bunch of things in its mouth, and stared at Ye Rumu while looking for it. The big toad mouth showed a strange smile, and said lightly: "Don't think about someone coming to save you. I know that this hundred flowers It's not easy to enter the valley, you can come in, it's not bad, but others don't have such good luck to come in and save you! Besides, even if that bitch's pet came back, she never cared about it As for the matter, when the old man goes out, the first thing to do is to take that bitch's pet for surgery!"

Toad hated Mimeng so much that he hated it, and even Mimeng's pet ganoderma, he hated it even more!
Fortunately, that pet never cared about her affairs, otherwise she wouldn't have eaten countless people in these thousands of years!

Knowing that the old toad hated Mimeng, and even the people around Mimeng, Ye Rumu didn't talk about his relationship with Ganoderma lucidum. Looking at Toad, since he couldn't contact Lingzhi, he had to rely on himself!
Ye Rumu closed his eyes, and the spiritual energy in Baihua Valley rushed into Ye Rumu's body endlessly!

The toad was concentrating on doing his own thing, and didn't notice anything strange here for a while. Besides, Ye Rumu didn't have the luck to meditate, and the toad would never have thought that Ye Rumu could actually attract spiritual energy automatically!
After a while, Toad realized that the aura in the air was rapidly becoming thinner, and soon, she couldn't feel the existence of aura around her!

And this aura rushed into Ye Rumu's body crazily!
The toad was taken aback, and suddenly raised his head to look at Ye Rumu, and saw the auras in all directions seemed to have eyes, all flying towards this side!

The toad realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly yelled at Ye Rumu, "Stop! Stop the old man!"

With her eyes closed, Ye Rumu gradually loses her sense of the outside world. She feels that she has come to a different space, and this space is surrounded by water. She seems to be standing on the water?
However, the scene had not lasted for a few seconds, and the scene in front of her changed again. This time, she was standing on top of the flame. However, the flame seemed to be very close to her and would not hurt her at all. Can't feel the heat!

Then, there were trees again, and she sat on the branches, and everything she could see was green.

(End of this chapter)

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