Peerless Princess: Pit Niang Meng Bao Monster Evil Father

Chapter 1415 Promotion to the Holy Spirit 7

Chapter 1415 Promotion to the Holy Spirit 7
Although the others did not agree with what the elder said, none of them gave in. Obviously, they also had a certain idea.

Ye Rumu pulled his lips and smiled, "I'm Mimeng's younger sister, Rosemary, that's why I can go in and out of Baihua Valley. As for the treasures? My sister also practiced the Holy Spirit in her 20s, and there is also Senior Dongfang Lingyue. , Senior Ling Feiyu, too? You have low talent, you still refuse to practice hard, and you always think about going some crooked ways, which is not good."

"Bah! Mimeng has been away for so many years, how could there be such a young sister as you! Who are you trying to deceive!" Some people did not believe it and came out to refute.

Indeed, Ye Rumu had nothing they could trust.Because, it's too outrageous!
"This is my sister's spirit beast, why is it by my side now, do I need to tell you this? Anyway, I have said what I should say, believe it or not." Ye Rumu said indifferently, anyway, these people If you can't catch her, there is Baihua Valley behind, only she can go in, no, it doesn't mean that only she can go in, other people go in, but it takes a lot of thought, and once you go in, you can never get out coming!
"Back then, I traveled all over the world with my master, and you were still little kids, huh! The master asked me to stay in the world of cultivating immortals and wait for her sister to come. You vulgar people, how dare you doubt the master's sister!" Ganoderma lucidum floated on Ye Rumu's body. In front of you, staring at the person in front of you,

The words of Ganoderma lucidum made everyone look at each other in blank dismay. Some people were younger and had never seen Ganoderma lucidum, but there are also many old people here!

"You really stayed because of what the Lord of Dreams said." An old man finally spoke after looking at it for a long time.

"Of course! The master is so kind to me, otherwise how could he be willing to leave me in the world of cultivating immortals? I believe you know best whether the master relies on some treasures or cultivates with his own efforts!" Lingzhi squinted her eyes and said I've said it all, these people really want to expose all of them with one spiritual power!

The spiritual power of Ganoderma lucidum is comparable to that of Ling Feiyu, not to mention that Ling Feiyu is still human.

Some people believe it, some people still doubt it, but no one left anyway.

After a while, Ling Feiyu appeared in front of everyone, saw Ye Rumu's face clearly, and stroked the beard on her chin. Before, she always felt that this girl was not simple, but now she really is!
"Girl, I always remember that you threatened to go to the Immortal Realm. At that time, I didn't believe it. Now it seems that you can indeed do it in the shortest time!" When Ling Feiyu spoke, he was full of admiration for Ye Rumu.

"Senior Ling has won the award, but now he has just reached the realm of the Holy Spirit. The people around the younger generation are all using the ultimate spiritual power. The younger generation is just trying to experience it for them first." Ye Rumu replied without saying a word. .

Ordinary people would have a look of fear when facing Ling Feiyu, but on Ye Rumu's face, not only did he not see fear, nor did he see any disrespect, Ling Feiyu appreciated it very much.

Dongfang Lingyue didn't say who owned the things that Dongfang Lingyue left in the secret realm back then, but said that a man and a woman would come to get them later. Later, Ye Rumu and Baili Yao appeared and took the two ancient swords away.

It happened thousands of years ago, so Ye Rumu said that she is Mimeng's younger sister,
(End of this chapter)

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