Chapter 1430 Secret Realm Collection 2
Looking at Ye Xiaoye, she was taken aback for a moment, she just thought of her gloomy childhood.

In fact, everything has two sides. If it weren't for that hell, how could she be so strong and mature now, and how could she lead a prosperous life with her children after time travel?

If she is an innocent student, I'm afraid she won't be able to survive when she walks out of Ye's house!

Ye Rumu understood that all the pain was in exchange for future happiness!
"It's okay, I thought of something from my childhood." Ye Rumu looked at Ye Xiaoye, who always complained that she made him read and practice calligraphy and kung fu.

But compared with my own childhood, what is it?
Ye Rumu shook her head, she didn't want Ye Xiaoye's childhood to be painful, so all the arrangements were within the range Ye Xiaoye could accept, her child, she wanted to give him the best life!

"Ah? What was your mother's childhood like?" Ye Xiaoye blinked her big eyes and looked at Ye Rumu with curiosity.

Ye Rumu looked at Ye Xiaoye's face, which was somewhat similar to Baili Yao when he was young, but now that he has grown up, the outline is more obvious, and he is more similar to Baili Yao.

"Mother seems to have no childhood." Ye Rumu thought about it seriously, other people's childhood grew up carefree under the love of their parents, but she picked it up time and time again in the hands of a cold-blooded and ruthless coach. own life.

During that time, it can only be described as dark!

But, that's all in the past...

"Mother..." Ye Xiaoye looked at Ye Rumu, and suddenly didn't want to ask, because he felt that if he asked, Mother would be even more sad.

"Okay, I don't think so much anymore. It's getting late, go to bed quickly!" Ye Rumu suddenly raised his face and said seriously.

Ye Xiaoye curled her lips and nodded, "Okay, mother, I'll go back to sleep first, don't sleep too late." Ye Xiaoye looked at Ye Rumu reluctantly, finally stood up, and patted The dust that did not exist behind left with one step and three turns.

It wasn't until Ye Xiaoye left that the smile on Ye Rumu's face gradually disappeared. After staring at the darkness ahead for several minutes, Ye Rumu stood up, opened the door and walked in.

Seeing that Baili Yao didn't show any signs of waking up, Ye Rumu was a little puzzled. She remembered that when she was promoted, she woke up once within a short period of sleep, but Baili Yao never woke up!

Thinking of the last time Baili Yao fell asleep, what Ye Rumu was most afraid of was that Baili Yao would not get up after falling asleep!

Shaking his head, to stop himself from thinking wildly, Ye Rumu lay beside Baili Yao, watched him and then fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Ye Rumu opened his eyes and subconsciously looked to the side. After seeing that the seat next to him was empty, Ye Rumu was shocked and sat up immediately!

Looking around at no one in the room, Ye Rumu's eyes darkened, got out of bed, opened the door, and found Baili Yao standing at the door.

And the breath in his whole body has undergone earth-shaking changes!

"Why don't you sleep more?" Baili Yao heard the movement, looked back, and found that Ye Rumu was standing behind him with a dazed expression, and the lines of his face softened involuntarily.

Ye Rumu came back to his senses and shook his head, "I can't sleep anymore."

Baili Yao walked up to Ye Rumu, stretched out his hand to wrap her gently around her ear, and said softly, "I'm sorry for making you worry."

(End of this chapter)

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