Chapter 144 Framed 10
I have always been very low-key and vigilant. In the past few years, I have tracked down many people, but most of them are still missing.Knowing this period of time, the Poisonous Wolf Sect slowly gained the limelight. "Baili Yao explained.

Ye Rumu pursed his lips after listening, but did not speak.

It stands to reason that if the Poisonous Wolf Sect has any movement, they Yuexuan Pavilion will also know about it!It's just that during this period of time, she has been focusing on business matters. Thank you, she is also very relieved that there is Qing Jue in the pavilion.

"When did this happen?" Ye Rumu asked.


Ye Rumu understood it, probably the news from Yuexuan Pavilion hadn't been delivered yet, and Baili Yao knew about it first, obviously, Jun Moli also knew that it was probably for this matter that he just looked for her.

Ye Rumu was thinking, completely forgetting that his hand was still being held by Baili Yao's big hand.

Baili Yao looked at her seriously thinking, his heart was soft, he curled his lips, and smiled like a monster, turning all living beings upside down.

It wasn't until after entering the palace and the Bishui Pavilion that Ye Rumu recovered from his thoughts that he realized that his hand was still in Baili Yao's.Ye Rumu struggled, but he didn't, so he simply ignored it.

But, why didn't Baili Yao leave?

As if seeing her doubts, Baili Yao smiled: "In order to protect your safety, Mu'er, I will sleep with you as my husband from now on."

Ye Rumu smiled but didn't smile: "I can protect myself well, so I won't bother the prince!"

"Don't worry." Baili Yao said, pulling her in.

Ye Rumu's mouth twitched, but she didn't realize that she was driving him away. Hey!shameless!
Ye Rumu entered the door and called Qingxue to tidy up a room, while he went back to his own room, closed the door, and locked it, all in one go.

Baili Yao chuckled and didn't bother her, it's not bad to live here.

It seems that Baili Yao has forgotten that this his territory.

And Qingxue was stunned by Baili Yao's smile...

It seems, it seems, you haven't seen the prince smile, have you?

Baili Yao quickly withdrew his smile and returned to his stern look.Qingxue thought to herself, such a regent is the real regent.

Shivered, and hurried to tidy up the room.

The next day, when Ye Rumu and Ye Xiaoye woke up, Baili Yao had already left to handle business.After the mother and son had breakfast, Ye Rumu accompanied Ye Xiaoye to exercise.

Not long after the training, Yun Xing walked over with a straight face, and when he saw Ye Rumu, he immediately stepped forward.


Ye Rumu stopped and looked at him.

"Someone is coming from the palace. The imperial edict of the prince, I want the concubine to receive it." As soon as Yun Xing mentioned this, Yun Xing was puzzled. A group of eunuchs came to the Prince Regent's mansion proudly with the imperial edict, specifying that Ye Rumu should go to replace Baili Yao. Accept the decree.

"Isn't Baili Yao in the palace? Why did you send it to the palace?" Ye Rumu asked.

"This...subordinates don't know either. The prince wants his subordinates to tell the princess to accept the imperial decree and go to the palace." Yun Xing told Ye Rumu what Baili Yao said.

Just now the prince told him to rush back to the palace to tell the princess about it, he didn't know why, but once he returned to the palace and saw the group of eunuchs at the door, he knew it!
Ye Rumu looked at Ye Xiaoye and said, "Qingxin, look at Xiaoye. Yun Xing, please protect Xiaoye. Qingxue, come with me."

"Yes!" Several people responded.

"Princess, don't worry, my subordinates will definitely protect the little prince!" Yun Xing said firmly.

"Yeah." Ye Rumu didn't say anything, nodded and walked towards the gate of the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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