Peerless Princess: Pit Niang Meng Bao Monster Evil Father

Chapter 1449: Trouble in the Secret Realm 13

Chapter 1449: Trouble in the Secret Realm 13
And Ye Wuqing was spared even the sky thunder!
Ye Rumu was slightly surprised, but Ye Wuqing was able to be promoted to the Holy Spirit so quickly, she was very happy for Ye Wuqing from the bottom of her heart, in this case, they could go to the fairy world together!
After Ye Wuqing was promoted, she walked up to Ye Rumu, smiled slightly, and shouted, "Rosemie, Rumu."

Ye Rumu pursed her lips. In her previous life, they probably had a deep connection!
Ye Rumu said: "You still call me Rumu, get used to it."

In fact, Rumu and Wuqing are just names given to them by the organization, but they have used their names for a lifetime!
Ye Wuqing was not pretentious, she nodded to express her understanding.

"Now that you've got your things back and you have some memories, do you know how to get out?" Ye Rumu asked.

Ye Wuqing nodded and said: "I know, but it will take time, and there is no way to go out for the time being. I want to see, I have not been here for so many years, what kind of monsters and ghosts have appeared in my secret realm?"

Ye Rumu frowned, "If we face each other head-on, we may not necessarily be the ones who suffer, so let's go!"

Since you can't go out for the time being, then go and have a look first.

Ye Wuqing nodded, with confidence in her eyes, Ye Rumu seemed to see Ye Wuqing who was a killer before, no matter what happened, Ye Wuqing always had a face of confidence, as if nothing could stop her!
After walking two steps and noticing the Ximen family outside, Ye Wuqing walked over and said apologetically: "Sorry, I wasted your trust, I can't send you out for the time being."

Ximen Lin shook his head, "It's nothing, we've been there for so long, it's boring enough, it's not bad to go out and walk around."

And Ximenlin was sure at this time that Ye Rumu and the others were indeed the safest side!No matter what those people are missing, it seems that they will not appear in front of Ye Rumu and others.

Could it be because the owner of this secret realm is Ye Wuqing?

Ye Wuqing smiled, and told Ximen Lin the proposal.

Ximen Lin also wanted to know what was causing the trouble, so he agreed!

So, everyone gathered together and searched in the secret realm.

Suddenly, noticing an indistinct movement not far away, Ye Rumu threw his spiritual power over without hesitation!

With a loud bang, the flowers and plants over there were blown to pieces by the spiritual power. However, it wasn't this that caught the attention, but the two people wearing black cloaks who couldn't see clearly!

However, Ye Rumu's spiritual power didn't do any harm to them, it just exposed them to everyone!

"Who are you guys!" Ye Wuqing didn't know at all, when there was such a person wearing a black cloak in his secret realm who was specially abducting people?
The two men in black cloaks looked at each other, secretly said "Oops", and immediately ran in one direction!

"Chasing!" Ximen Lin dropped this sentence, and took the lead in chasing after him with the members of the Ximen family.

"Are we going to chase too?" Cang Yuan asked, frowning.

"Let's go, we can't let Ximen's family catch up alone, I'm afraid there are more than these two people!" After Ye Rumu finished speaking, he also followed.

When he first entered the secret realm, Ye Rumu noticed something was wrong, but at that time he used his mental strength to investigate,
(End of this chapter)

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