Peerless Princess: Pit Niang Meng Bao Monster Evil Father

Chapter 1453: Trouble in the Secret Realm 17

Chapter 1453: Trouble in the Secret Realm 17
And Shangguan Gu'er had long believed that Ximen Lin was on Ye Rumu's side, so no matter what Ximen Lin said, she would not believe it!
After Ximenlin finished speaking, Shangguan Gu'er chuckled and asked, "It's all over? You say that there are mysterious people in black cloaks in this secret realm. They are the reason for the disappearance of others. What evidence do you have? Why didn't any of you People disappear?"

Ximenlin didn't want to tell Shangguan Gu'er too much, it's one thing to say it, if anyone believes it, then it has nothing to do with him!
Even though he expected that no one would believe it, Ximenlin was really disappointed at this time, because no one really believed what he said!

"Forget it, Ximen Lin, let's discuss what to do next." Ximen Lin wanted to say more, but was stopped by Ye Rumu, looking at everyone, Ye Rumu's eyes darkened.

Ximen Lin nodded, they didn't believe it, it was impossible to force them to believe anything!

Ye Wuqing looked at the crowd, "Everyone sit down first, I'll let you know when you can go out."

"That's fine." Ye Rumu agreed, and sat beside Ye Wuqing, chatting with Ye Wuqing.

Through Ye Wuqing's words, Ye Rumu roughly understood what kind of place the fairy world is, but what Ye Wuqing said next made Ye Rumu's face a little heavy.

"Rumu, if my memory is correct, those people in the black cloak just now also exist in the Immortal Realm! And they came to the Immortal Cultivation Realm, it seems that they want to find something they have always wanted. Back then, the Cultivation of Immortal Realm was a pretty good place." Who knows that people in the world of cultivating immortals rose up to resist, and because their spiritual power was suppressed by the Holy Spirit when they arrived in the world of cultivating immortals, they were driven out of the world of cultivating immortals! However, they were not Not completely. In the fairy world, they are still the headaches of the fairy world." Ye Wuqing told Ye Rumu everything she knew.

When Ye Rumu thought of Jing Xing Shangshen, Jing Xing Shangshen, was it also related to those people?

"Wuqing, what is the name of this force?" Such an organization must have a name!
Ye Wuqing shook her head and said: "I don't remember either, but after you get out, you can ask the seniors back then, they must know!"

And these years, no one is willing to mention it, just praying in the bottom of their hearts, as if the person from that organization has never appeared, but it's just deceiving themselves!
"Okay." Ye Rumu could only nod in agreement, and at the same time, she had to go and see Master Jing Xing again!

Ye Wuqing sat with her eyes closed, suddenly felt a fiery gaze staring at herself, frowned, and suddenly looked back, but found nothing!

Can't help wondering, "Could it be that I feel wrong?"

"What's the matter?" Ye Rumu noticed the strangeness of Ye Wuqing beside him, and asked quickly.

"I always feel that someone is watching me, but when I look, I don't see anyone! Rumu, have you noticed anything different?" Ye Wuqing asked.

Ye Rumu also frowned, thought for a while and said, "Maybe those people in black cloaks are staring at us from behind, let's be more careful."

Ye Wuqing felt that what Ye Rumu said was true, so she simply stopped closing her eyes and meditating.

That obsessed gaze gradually disappeared, and Ye Wuqing felt strange in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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