Peerless Princess: Pit Niang Meng Bao Monster Evil Father

Chapter 1460: Trouble in the Secret Realm 24

Chapter 1460: Trouble in the Secret Realm 24
Ye Wuqing looked at the man calmly, and asked lightly.

The man closed his eyes in pain, "Liangzhu, no matter who I am, you just need to know that you are the only woman I love..."

"The only, favorite woman?" Ye Wuqing chewed these words, smiled suddenly, and said: "But now, I am no longer your cool bamboo."

Yes, she is Ye Wuqing now!
And in the memory left by her in her previous life to her in this life, there is nothing about this man.

"No! You will always be! You will always be Liangzhu! You look exactly the same as in your previous life, why not? I know that Rosemary is your good friend, Liangzhu. As long as you admit that you are Liangzhu, I will I won't touch him, okay?" The man looked at Ye Wuqing expectantly.

"You want me to beg you?" Ye Wuqing looked at the man's face calmly. She didn't know him, but she didn't even ask him his name.

"No, no, Wuqing, as long as you tell me, I will promise you anything! I don't want you to beg me." The man immediately shook his head and looked at Ye Wuqing sincerely.

"Okay, then I want you not to touch my friends." Ye Wuqing narrowed his eyes, this man is obviously in the same group as those wearing cloaks, but this person may be more powerful than those wearing cloaks Some.

At least, the status will be higher.

A smile suddenly appeared on the man's face, the original gloom had disappeared, causing Ye Wuqing's eyes to flicker. Did she really know this person before?
Why didn't there be any clues for her in the memory?

"Now you can leave, right?" Ye Wuqing subconsciously didn't want to have any contact with this person, what did this person gave her the feeling that it was too dangerous!

"You do what you do, I'll just watch you." The man's eyes were full of tenderness, and he looked like a different person in peacetime, but unfortunately, Ye Wuqing had never seen what he looked like in normal times.

So when I saw the man's expression, I immediately felt... so helpless.

"This is a secret, I can't let you know!" Ye Wuqing immediately made an excuse. In fact, only she can open this secret realm, and no one else will recognize it!

"No matter what secrets you had before, you would never hide it from me... Liangzhu... oh..." The man sighed a long time and looked at Ye Wuqing with a pitiful expression.

Ye Wuqing was dumbfounded, it was as if she had bullied him!
Simply, Ye Wuqing didn't pay attention to this man who changed his face a little too fast, and made up his own.

Seeing that Ye Wuqing didn't drive him away again, the man had a slight smile on his face, but unfortunately, Ye Wuqing didn't look at it.

"Liang Zhu, why don't you ask me what my name is?" The man thought of this question, since Liang Zhu no longer remembered him, he definitely wouldn't know his name!

The three words "not interested" almost blurted out, Ye Wuqing thought for a while, and asked casually: "Then tell me, what's your name."

"Ming Yan." Ming Yan stared at Ye Wuqing's back, so he couldn't see the flash of surprise on Ye Wuqing's face. "Liang Zhu, you have to remember, my name is Ming Yan."

Ye Wuqing lowered her head, Ming Yan's not in her memory, but it feels very familiar to her!Could it be, is it really the same as Ming Yan said?

Ye Wuqing didn't know whether to believe him or not.

(End of this chapter)

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