Peerless Princess: Pit Niang Meng Bao Monster Evil Father

Chapter 1462: Trouble in the Secret Realm 26

Chapter 1462: Trouble in the Secret Realm 26
Looking around coldly, Ye Rumu looked at the cloaked men who were about to move and wanted to attack them, and said: "Everyone must be careful!"

Everyone nodded, and just after nodding, the cloaked man suddenly disappeared!
Everyone was shocked, but they knew that these people could disappear for a period of time so that others could not see them, so they did not lose their vigilance.


Suddenly, there was a scream, and a girl from the Ximen family flew out like a kite with a broken string!
"A Li!" Ximen Lin was startled, and hurriedly followed, trying to save the girl named A Li!

Ali fell to a place where people from other forces gathered, but no one thought of catching her, instead they backed up one after another, allowing Ali to fall to the ground!
"Ali!" Ximen Lin was a step behind, and could only watch helplessly as Ali fell to the ground like a rag doll that had lost its splendor...

Dazed for a moment, he immediately went up to help Ali up, let her lean in his arms, and said softly: "Ali, how are you?"

Everyone in the Ximen family has the same surname as Ximen, but except for Ximenlin, the others are branches, so Ali can be regarded as Ximenlin's younger sister.

Ali opened her eyes and spat out a big mouthful of blood!

Looking at Ximen Lin weakly, "Brother Ximen, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on..."

"I'm sorry, Li, I didn't protect you well..." Ximen Lin felt a suffocation in his heart, Li...she was only 20 years old!

"Brother Ximen, can you help me take care of my parents?" Ali gritted her teeth. Although there were severe pains all over her body, Ali still tried her best to make every sentence she said complete and clear.

"A Li, you will be fine, your parents are still waiting for you to go back!" The child A Li was a child who was discovered by Ximen Lin in the branch with good talent, and thus supported her until today... I never thought that I would bid farewell in this way...

He seemed to be unable to feel the temperature on Ali's body.

The first time Ximen Lin rushed over, Ye Rumu also followed!
After checking Ali's meridians, the other hand that was about to take the medicine stopped, and all the meridians were broken...

"How? Is there a way?" Ximenlin saw Ye Rumu's hand suddenly stopped, his expression suddenly became ugly, Ximenlin asked impatiently.

Ye Rumu looked at Ximenlin, hesitated for a moment, and said, "The meridians are all broken, she still has breath, and she is holding on... You know, the promotion of the ultimate spiritual power and the realm of the Holy Spirit will have to be washed away." After cutting the bones once, unless she is promoted immediately now, otherwise, I have no choice."

Ximen Lin's face suddenly became even uglier, "Ali has just been promoted to high-level spiritual power, this time, she should not be qualified to come... It's all my fault, as soon as she begged me, I agreed and let her join... ..."

Ximen Lin was trembling all over, death meant that he would never see him again!
Not even in the next life!
And Ali is still so young!

"Alas..." Ye Rumu stood up, and the fight with the cloaked man was already hot!
Although there are not as many people in the cloak as Ye Rumu and his party, they are all in the realm of the Holy Spirit, and Ye Rumu and his party will only suffer!

And the original disciples who were forced here by the cloak man,
(End of this chapter)

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