Peerless Princess: Pit Niang Meng Bao Monster Evil Father

Chapter 1464: Trouble in the Secret Realm 28

Chapter 1464: Trouble in the Secret Realm 28
"Hey! I'm asking you something. You guys are staying well in the Immortal Realm, why did you come to the Cholera Immortal Cultivation Realm!" Ganoderma lucidum puffed up.

However, the cloaked man still ignored the problem of Ganoderma lucidum, licked the corner of his lips, and said, "Unexpectedly, I can see fairy beasts in the world of cultivating immortals... I haven't eaten the meat of fairy beasts for so many years, I don't know, your meat How is the taste!"

Ganoderma lucidum: "..." Oh my god!There is no way to communicate!

Suddenly another cloaked man came up behind the cloaked man in front of Ganoderma lucidum, said a few words quietly, and immediately all the cloaked men left immediately!

These people in cloaks all look the same, but people with different identities have different colors on the sides of the cloaks!

The one who fought against Ye Rumu just now is obviously more advanced than the others!
"Why are you all gone?" Shangguan Gu'er was the first to speak out, looking around suspiciously.

She still wants those people to help her deal with Ye Rumu!Now Ye Rumu is still fine, why did he leave?
"Hehe, if you feel sorry for them leaving, you can follow them away!" A sneer appeared on the corner of Ye Rumu's lips.

The unwillingness on Shangguan Gu'er's face was perfectly captured by Qingqian!
Shangguan Gu'er's face changed, "Whoever wants to follow them away, don't talk nonsense!"

"Hmph!" Ye Rumu snorted coldly, and immediately went to check the situation of the others.

"Phew, although I don't know why they left suddenly, but at least we survived..." Mu Yan patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

I didn't know how nervous she was just now!
Ye Rumu pursed her lips and smiled, without saying anything. She checked the injuries of the others, and what made her look serious was that several of them could not be saved...

The spiritual power is too low, and it is impossible to resist the blow of the master of the holy spirit realm...

This trip today made Ye Rumu feel extremely regretful...why did he come back!

Sighing, it's useless to say more now, pack it up, and after checking everyone's injuries, Ye Rumu said: "Let's go, let's go back."

Going back to the place where Ye Wuqing was, after being out for so long, she was really worried that something would happen to Ye Wuqing!
As for these people, she didn't bother to pay attention to them!

Ye Rumu and his party left, Shangguan Gu'er and the others just watched them go, and no one was embarrassed enough to follow them away.

Even if some shameless wanted to follow behind Ye Rumu and others as if nothing happened after the incident just now, Ye Rumu directly erected a spiritual wall to stop them.

"Three months will be up soon, there is no need for you to follow us." Ye Rumu's words didn't sound like much, but that face is not an exaggeration to describe it as ice-cold!
So, I can only watch Ye Rumu and others leave...

Shangguan Gu'er was disdainful, "Cut, why are you pretending! We can't survive without you? Hmph!"

Seeing that several people died beside Ye Rumu, Shangguan Gu'er felt happy in his heart!
Ye Rumu, aren't you arrogant?Look at you now, can't you protect everything?

Shangguan Gu'er smiled coldly, but this place can't stay too long, and those people can't guarantee that they will come back anytime and anywhere!
When Ye Rumu and his group went back, they were silent for a while. No one dared to speak, so they simply stopped talking. Although there were wounded, the speed on the way back was much faster, and Ye Wuqing seemed to have a sense, and found out.

(End of this chapter)

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