Chapter 1468 Tension 2
"Okay, I'll go and have a look." Shangguan Gu'er frowned, without saying anything, went directly to the study of the head of Shangguan's family.

At this moment, Shangguan Mu was already standing in the study of the Patriarch Shangguan.

Seeing that even Shangguan Mu had been called, Shangguan Gu'er realized that it was not an ordinary matter!
"Father." After Shangguan Gu'er arrived, he shouted respectfully.

The head of the Shangguan family nodded, looked at his two children, and asked: "What happened to you in the secret realm, tell my father one by one!"

"Father, why do you care about this?" Shangguan Gu'er was surprised. Before going to practice, his father never asked about it!
"What happened this time is unusual, hurry up and tell my father what's going on inside." The head of the Shangguan Patriarch was a little anxious.

Shangguan Gu'er didn't dare to ask any more questions, so he glanced at Shangguan Mu and asked Shangguan Mu to speak.

Shangguan Mu told Patriarch Shangguan everything in the secret realm, Patriarch Shangguan frowned more and more.

"The person in the cloak you are talking about, is it the kind where the whole body is wrapped in the cloak, and even the face is not exposed?" The more the Patriarch Shangguan listened, the more solemn his face became.

Shangguan Mu nodded, "That's right, that's right, it's very strange, they all wear the same clothes, they don't even show their faces, they all look exactly the same!"

The head of the Shangguan family suddenly fell down on the main seat, muttering in his mouth: "It's over, it's over, they are really back!"

Especially after hearing that that group of people would often kidnap those who are alone or careless, the head of the Shangguan family became more and more sure!

The people in that organization have always been so vicious!
However, they clearly have the ability to silence all the younger generations in the secret realm, so how... let them come out?

Soon, the head of the Shangguan family understood their intentions. They might not go into the secret realm to see it, but if someone conveyed the news to various forces... wouldn't it save worry and effort?

As soon as he thought of this level, Patriarch Shangguan felt shudder all over, took a deep breath, "Gu'er, Mu'er, you guys should not go out for the time being!"

"Why? And father, they really came back? What is it? Those people in the secret realm? Although we can't beat them, you can!" Shangguan Gu'er didn't understand, since they were all safe You're back, what's there to be afraid of?

"Gu'er! You don't understand, their methods are much superior to spiritual power! Didn't you all mutter and want to know about the event that caused a sensation in the world of cultivating immortals thousands of years ago? Father, let me tell you now !" Seeing those people come back, Patriarch Shangguan felt that they should not hide it!

Let Shangguan Gu'er and Shangguan Mu know, at least they can have some precautions!
Therefore, the head of the Shangguan family directly told Shangguan Gu'er and Shangguan Mu what he saw and heard in those years, what happened, and some things about that force.

Not only did the head of the Shangguan family tell the juniors in the family, but people from other forces also chose to tell the matter to the next successor and several outstanding disciples!
After listening, Shangguan Gu'er was so surprised that he couldn't speak. On the contrary, Shangguan Mu frowned and said, "Father, the people from the organization I met this time are all from the Holy Spirit realm. The world of cultivating immortals... I'm afraid there won't be so many experts in the realm of the Holy Spirit!"

(End of this chapter)

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