Chapter 1477 Recovering Snow Valley 5
Ye Rumu approached and coughed twice to remind the three old men.

The three Jin brothers turned their heads and saw that Ye Rumu and Ye Wuqing had come over at some point, and they all looked at each other in blank dismay.

"The adults are talking about things, and the children are playing." Jin Duoduo said while waving Ye Rumu to go, looking disgusted.

"Oh, well, there are still important things I want to discuss with the masters. Since the masters are not free, let's not talk about it." Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows and turned to leave.

"Hey wait! What's important? Let's talk first before we leave!" Jin Xingxing said hastily, important thing?About what?

Jin Xingxian guessed in his heart, but no matter what it is, as long as it is about Ye Rumu, he will care about it!

The five sat down in the nearby stone pavilion, and Ye Rumu asked solemnly, "Masters, do you know about the organization of evil spirits?"

As soon as Ye Rumu asked this question, he did not miss the changing expressions on the faces of the three Jin brothers, what's more, it was ugly!

The three of them stayed in Nuanxue Valley all the time, and they didn't know what happened outside, so after Ye Rumu asked this question, Jin Zhenzhen asked with a strange expression: "Girl Mu, why are you asking this? It's not something you should ask..."

"Why?" Ye Rumu frowned, it seemed that Jin Zhen really didn't want her to know!
"Girl Mu, the less you know about these things, the better! Don't ask too much, besides, it's all in the past, so don't mention it." Many people would choose to forget about the previous incident, and no one would think about it. Remember... you won't reveal anything to the younger generation and make the younger generation panic.

"But, what if there is no past?" Ye Rumu looked persistent, as if he wanted to know.

"Thousands of years have passed since this incident, and there will no longer be any evil spirit organizations in the future, so it's better to know less about the past!" Jin Shining also spoke.

In fact, it's not because it's too cruel to say nothing, but because the people organized by the evil spirits left a curse. If someone mentions them in the future, it will be the day they reappear!

Therefore, no one dared to mention the name of the evil spirit organization!

Only Jin Duoduo thought of it and asked, "Girl Mu, why did you bring this up so well?"

Ye Rumu took a deep breath, looked at the three masters, pursed his lips, and said, "The evil organization has reappeared!"

Ye Rumu obviously saw that the faces of the three of them had changed!
"How is it possible!" Jin Zhenzhen shouted.

"Yeah, how is it possible! Girl Mu, are you reading it wrong?" Jin Duoduo and Jin Xingxian didn't believe it.

"I have seen people organized by evil spirits. They wear black cloaks that cover them from head to toe. The color on the side of the cloaks represents their status in the evil spirits. They can disappear out of thin air and escape. I Are you right?" Ye Rumu said while looking at the three of them.

Seeing how detailed Ye Rumu said, Jin Zhenzhen still shook his head and said, "Rumu, maybe it was just faked! The evil spirit organization has disappeared and extinct back then, and there is no way it will reappear!"

"How could it be extinct? The evil spirit organization came from the fairy world. Back then, only the people at the bottom of the evil spirit were extinct. They can continue to come to the immortal world at any time! I guess they wanted to get something,
(End of this chapter)

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