Chapter 1499 Meeting 1
"I'm a scattered citizen living near here. I just heard from you that you are going to the barren desert, right? Why don't you take me with you?" Ming Yan automatically ran out of the olive branch, with no concealment of his spiritual power.

The leader was Chuangmin, the head of the Chuanghua Sect. Chuangmin looked Ming Yan up and down for a long time, and then asked, "Your spiritual power is not low, why didn't you join other forces, but followed us to the barren desert?"

Chuanghua is just a small sect, so Chuangmin and a few elders are only in the ultimate realm of spiritual power. Chuangmin can't see through Ming Yan's spiritual power, but he can feel the oppression from Ming Yan!

"That's right, how could you follow us to the desert for no reason? Do you have some purpose?" An elder looked at Ming Yan vigilantly.

Ming Yan shook his head and said, "My name is Yan'an. At first I thought about going to the desert alone, but I heard that evil spirits have become rampant again recently. I thought, let's go with you. It will be much safer."

"You kid is smart!"

"It's not impossible to let you go with us, but young man, if we go this time, we will probably confront evil spirits. Are you really not afraid of death?" Chuang Min looked at Yan An, and it looked good!And the spiritual power is higher than all of them!

"Of course I'm not afraid. If I were afraid, I wouldn't be here!" Ming Yan shook his head calmly. Have you ever seen yourself afraid of yourself?So, naturally, I am not afraid!
"Haha, okay, with your words, I can rest assured! Then let's go together!" Chuangmin agreed without thinking too much.

The other elders felt that something was wrong, but Yan An's spiritual power was indeed very high. Originally, when they were away from home, they were worried that they would be ambushed by evil spirits. If Yan An was there, wouldn't they be more protected?
It's not that he didn't suspect that Yan An was an undercover agent sent by the evil spirits, but how could the evil spirits be so idle and find them who don't have the Holy Spirit?
Thus, Ming Yan successfully got together with the people from Chuanghua sect.

Ming Yan never thought that he would appear in front of Ye Wuqing in such a way.

I don't know, Ye Wuqing can recognize him?
With fantasies, it took about seven days to follow the people of the Chuanghua sect to reach the barren desert.

When Ming Yan arrived at the Holy Spirit, he could actually travel faster, but he was not in a hurry, and followed the people from the Chuanghua sect unhurriedly. The people from the Chuanghua sect also couldn't understand Ming Yan!
I also thought, Yan An is just a casual cultivator now, why not recruit him into the Chuanghua sect?In this case, it is not impossible to give him the position of an elder!
But Chuangmin was afraid of getting burned. After all, Yan An's spiritual power was so high, would he be willing to be just an elder forever?

Young people are always ambitious!
After thinking about it, Chuangmin gave up the idea.

Ming Yan was raised as the successor of evil spirits since he was a child, and he is the best at observing words and deeds. He can tell what the creators are thinking at a glance, but he also pretends not to see it. His situation is not suitable for joining any force.

"Master, please do me a favor later. If someone asks me, just say that I belong to your sect." Ming Yan said expressionlessly. After all, he had entered the barren desert and the academy management meeting , but also to prove identity.

"Don't worry about that, haha.
(End of this chapter)

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