Chapter 1502 Meeting 4
"Since you don't even know anyone from our Beiming Academy!" The man who spoke first had a look of anger on his face, as if he was such a famous person and looked down on his opponent so much, but the other party didn't to know him?

What a slap in the face and full of humiliation!
"Oh, it turned out to be someone from Beiming Academy who was the number one in the competition a few years ago? I'm so sorry, I haven't met you, how could I know you, even if I have, I don't need to remember you. Besides, One-sidedly regard us as your opponents, and we have no obligation to remember you. What's more, since you people from Beiming College look down on our Twilight College people so much, you still regard us as your opponents, Aren't you lowering your style? Well... maybe you like to bully the weak and fear the strong!" After Ye Rumu finished speaking, she nodded seriously, agreeing with her point of view.

Beige: "..."

An academy like Twilight Academy is actually second only to Beiming Academy, which ranks first in everything!Isn't this a humiliation to Beiming Academy?
Usually, Beiming Academy would regard No.2 of the academy competition as their opponent, so Twilight Academy is no exception, but after Beige came out, I heard that his opponent would be Twilight Academy people?Then I couldn't help it immediately, and wanted to find fault!
Unexpectedly, the people in the Twilight Academy are not very capable, so they are sharp-tongued?
Bei Ge said: "Hehe, the No.2 in the college competition, can't it be that you just said it, right?"

"If you think it's okay, why don't you tell us about it?" Ye Rumu was speechless. These people have been aloof for too long, and their brains are stupid, right?

Yes, the people of Beiming College, as the top of the five colleges and the most powerful college in the world of cultivating immortals, they do have the ability to look above the top, but it doesn't mean they can hold their heads high in front of Ye Rumu and others!
In other words, no matter who it is in front of, no one will like or agree with it!
Bei Xi, the girl who had spoken before, couldn't help it anymore, and frowned, "Why do you speak so aggressively? Do you need others to tell you what's going on at Twilight College? Who knows about you?" How did the second one come about!"

"Yeah, I speak aggressively. I'm not as noble as you. As soon as I come out, I sneer at strangers and call them opponents. I speak provocatively. Why, now I'm provoking you too, so you can't stand it? What kind of logic?" Ye Rumu shook his head in disgust, he hadn't talked to these talented and arrogant children with high-sighted eyes for a long time, and felt that it was right to stay away from such people, mentally retarded, but contagious!

The status of Beiming College is high, and everyone is proud of being able to enter Beiming College. Naturally, people who have been nurtured in Beiming College have a sense of superiority no matter who they face!

"Sister Rumu, let's ignore them, it looks like they are out of their minds!" Muyan stuck out her tongue and complained.

Ye Rumu nodded, "Well, let's look elsewhere."

The people of Beiming Academy are so proud, how could they bear what Ye Rumu and Muyan said, and explode immediately!

They stopped Ye Rumu and the others one by one and refused to let them go.

(End of this chapter)

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