Chapter 1504 Meeting 6
It's just a dying struggle!
Ye Rumu blinked, and looked at Qing Jue. Qing Jue had just been promoted to the Holy Spirit, and he hadn't tried the spiritual power of the Holy Spirit yet!

"Qing Jue, why don't you come for the first match?" Ye Rumu looked at Qing Jue who was standing beside Cang Yuan, and asked with a smile.

Qing Jue nodded, glanced at Cang Yuan, and walked out.

Beige saw that Ye Rumu and Baili Yao, the two most powerful players in Twilight Academy in the legend, didn't make a move in the first round?Immediately, he became even more disdainful towards them, and casually pointed out an opponent.

Because the barren desert is too big, and their location is quite remote, so few people pass by, and they will not deliberately come to watch them, so that there is no one watching...

Oh... It's not that there is no such thing. The man who looked at Ye Wuqing before did not leave, but stood not far away, as if he wanted to watch the battle.

Qing Jue looked at the person opposite, and out of politeness, nodded towards him, "Qing Jue."

The other party didn't have the arrogant feeling that Beige was being treated by others, so he nodded politely at Qingjue, "Li Feng."

"Please." Out of the other party's politeness, Qing Jue is also willing to show respect to the opponent.

Li Feng didn't ink any ink marks, so he shot directly!
Qing Jue watched Li Feng's spiritual power smashing towards him. If he had done it before, Qing Jue would have felt that this spiritual power was full of pressure, but since he was promoted to the Holy Spirit, the ultimate spiritual power was like a gust of wind to him!
Therefore, Qing Jue didn't hide, but raised his hand and gave a Buddha lightly, Li Feng's spiritual power seemed to disappear immediately!
Not to mention that Li Feng was stunned, everyone in Beiming College was stunned.

What is this operation?
It can actually dissolve all the spiritual power of the opponent!

How did it do it?
Unwilling to be reconciled, Li Feng continued to condense more powerful spiritual power than before. This time, instead of throwing directly at Qing Jue, he rushed towards Qing Jue, intending to fight Qing Jue in close combat!

Since he can dissolve his spiritual power, it means that spiritual power has no effect on the opponent. Now, get close to him immediately and try to find out the opponent's shortcomings. Only in this way can he win this match!
Qing Jue also wanted to fight Li Feng in close combat, so he didn't use his full strength at first.

Li Feng noticed it, Qing Jue's face was relaxed, and he was already sweating profusely!
" are not of the ultimate spiritual power!" Li Feng and Qing Jue reacted suddenly after several moves.

If they were of the same level but of different ranks, it would be impossible to fight so hard!
After all, he is already at the fifth level of ultimate spiritual power!It belongs to the kind that can't go up or down, and it's not impossible to have a backhand against those with high ultimate levels!

Qing Jue rarely took the initiative to make a move, but whenever Qing Jue made a move, Li Feng felt obvious suppression!
"I never said that I am the ultimate spiritual power." Qing Jue replied blankly, his hands kept moving.

Li Feng retreated abruptly, "You are... a strong man in the realm of the Holy Spirit!"

The eyes that looked at Qing Jue were full of horror!

How could this man become so perverted?

He thought that reaching the ultimate fifth level at the age of 30 was already a very remarkable thing, but now it seems... It's just what he thought!

The conversation between Qing Jue and Li Feng was not concealed, so everyone present heard it.

Bei Ge's face was ugly, "You! You actually sent someone from the Holy Spirit Realm to attack! You are cheating!"

"Oh? Then you mean that we can only send people with extreme spiritual power to fight you? You didn't say that before, but if we are all high-level spiritual power? Would you agree? , only let you fight with us with high-level spiritual power?"

(End of this chapter)

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