Chapter 1508 Meeting 10
For so many years, this deity has been guarding the things left by Lingyue, and I never knew that you are so forgetful!If the deity knew, he would feel that it is really a sad thing for you to have a future! "

With Ling Feiyu's words, all those who sneered at Twilight Academy bowed their heads in shame.

Of course, Shangguan family members are exceptions!

"I asked you to come here today. In addition to telling you this, there is another thing, that is, people with evil spirits have made a comeback! Countless people died because of evil spirits back then. There is no need for my deity to explain one by one, the evil spirits are back, we need to unite, deal with the evil spirits together, and drive them out of the world of cultivating immortals!" Ling Feiyu's firm words resounded in the entire academy management meeting.

"But Senior Ling, since we have no way to deal with the evil spirits, if we can only drive them out, we can't predict when they will come back, so why should we waste our efforts?" It was a young man who spoke. , in his opinion, since the evil spirits cannot be shaken off, why waste effort?
"If you don't drive the evil spirits out of the world of cultivating immortals, the people of the evil spirits will kill all those who don't obey them in the world of cultivating immortals. Are you willing to be the puppet of the evil spirits?" Ling Feiyu looked at the man who spoke.

The man opened his mouth, but finally closed it. Compared with his life, he is naturally willing to be a puppet!But these words cannot be said here...

Looking at the man's reaction, Ling Feiyu probably understood, sighed a little sadly, and said: "You have been at ease for too long, and I know that you may not be willing to stand up and resist. In this case, there is no need to continue this meeting If you want to go, go now."

After Ling Feiyu finished speaking, the people below looked at each other and began to discuss.

Soon, some people took the courage to leave, with the beginning of a person, and then people left one after another.

Looking at this scene, Ling Feiyu was very calm, just watching like this, and didn't stop him.

Many who were afraid of death, or who were already weak, chose to leave.

The person who brought Ming Yan hesitated to leave, Chuang Min looked at Ming Yan and said, "Yan An, are you going?"

Ming Yan shook his head, "I'm not leaving."

"Then let's go first! You, don't be stupid, if you stay, you will only die! Didn't you hear what Senior Ling said before, what happened to the Twilight Academy who came first? Don't be stupid , Forget it, I won’t persuade you anymore, let’s go first.” Chuangmin didn’t want the Chuanghua he brought up with his own hands to end up like the Twilight Academy.

People's hearts are selfish and ugly. The Twilight Academy is so great, but didn't it end up being ridiculed by everyone in the end?If Chuanghua is destroyed, everyone will only step on a few more feet, no one will care, what have you paid for!
this is the truth!
In fact, they also know that they cannot defeat evil spirits at all.

All the people from Chuanghua left, Ming Yan looked at Ye Wuqing's position, Twilight College... Ling Feiyu said, is Liangzhu the college where he is staying now?

Ming Yan has already seen through all kinds of things in the world when people leave the tea to cool down.

Soon, more than half of the people who came had left.

Ling Feiyu remained calm, as if the more he walked, the happier he would be.

As a result, I am not happy, but I can tell who is sincere and who is perfunctory!
(End of this chapter)

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