Chapter 1515 Meeting 17
She must have restrained herself because of Yu Xiner!

"Ye Wuqing? Twilight Academy? It's Twilight Academy again! I heard that they ruined our good deed before!" Yu Xiner said angrily when she thought about it.

"Yes, it's the Twilight Academy again, but it's the young master's order, you can't touch the Twilight Academy, Xin'er, don't be impulsive! The young master is protecting you, first find out what it is for, if it breaks the young master I'm afraid it's not good to make the young master angry!" Elder Yu shook his head and said.

"Father, no matter what, the young master can't get too close to other women. If this woman doesn't know how to behave, I can only teach her a lesson! From your description, the young master is very familiar with that woman. But the young master knows her, but that woman doesn’t know the young master? Why is this? Could it be that this woman has been reincarnated? In her last life, she knew the young master? But, it’s been such a long time, The young master can still find her when he arrives here, and he also ordered people not to hurt her, Father, do you think it is the young master who likes her?"

Yu Xiner thought about it for herself and analyzed it, and she couldn't rule out the idea that Ming Yan liked that woman!
"Probably not, Xin'er. Dad has watched the young master grow up since he was a child. He has never seen any woman beside the young master. Maybe we think too much!" Elder Yu said incredulously. I am willing to think about this kind of assumption, because I know Ming Yan too well. If Ming Yan decides something, it is impossible to change it. If Ming Yan falls in love with that woman, doesn't it mean that his daughter has no role to play?

Of course, Elder Yu dared not tell Yu Xiner about these thoughts.

"But, that's the only woman the young master took the initiative to approach. No, father, I don't feel relieved if I don't go and have a look. Father, where is that Ye Wuqing now?" Yu Xiner asked.

Even if they were reincarnated, their appearance would not change. If they knew each other in the previous life, then Ye Wuqing should still have this appearance in this life.

correct!If he was from the Immortal Realm before, would it be possible for Dad to have seen it?

"Daddy, think about it carefully. When you were in the fairy world, did you ever see a woman who looked exactly like Ye Wuqing?" Yu Xiner looked at Elder Yu expectantly. When she was in the fairy world, Yu Xiner basically wouldn't go out. , so people in the fairy world have not seen many people, except of course people with evil spirits.

Elder Yu shook his head, "Dad has thought about this question a long time ago. If Dad has seen it, can Dad not tell you?"

"That Ye Wuqing should be in the barren desert now, Xiner, are you going?" Elder Yu knew Yu Xiner well, and knew that Yu Xiner would definitely have the idea of ​​going.

Sure enough, Yu Xin'er nodded and said, "I want to see what Ye Wuqing looks like, to let the young master take such good care of her..."

"Father, I'm leaving first." Yu Xiner hurriedly said to Elder Yu, then turned around and was about to leave.

"Wait! Xin'er, do you want Dad to take you there personally?" Elder Yu asked hastily.

When Yu Xiner came here, she had already reviewed the affairs of the world of cultivating immortals, and knew that the barren desert was the territory of the college management committee, so she shook her head and refused, "Father, no need, bring one more person, it's not good It’s good to hide the breath on my body, I can do it by myself.”

People of evil spirits will have a unique aura on them,

(End of this chapter)

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