Chapter 1528 Testing Yanan 4
Ye Wuqing calmed down slowly in her heart. After realizing what she had said in a mess, Ye Wuqing regretted it very much, "Rumu...I..."

"No need to explain, I understand." Ye Rumu shook his head, preventing Ye Wuqing from continuing.

Ye Rumu understands the despair caused by not being able to see the future of life. At this moment, she has a goal, and Ye Wuqing is just accompanying her to achieve the goal. Could it be that she is too selfish?
Whether it's Ye Wuqing, Qingxue, Baili Yao, they are all accompanying her to accomplish the goal she wants to achieve...

Ye Rumu shook his head, suppressing this bad feeling, she came today because she actually wanted to ask Ye Wuqing something.

"Wuqing, the dean said that senior Ling Feiyu has heard the news, and he probably knows what the evil spirits are after." Ye Rumu's face became serious.

Ye Wuqing frowned and asked, "What?"

"The spiritual pulse of the world of cultivating immortals! Wuqing, do you know what it is?"

Ye Wuqing's memory is mixed with memories of the fairy world, so Ye Rumu asked her this question.

Ye Wuqing was startled at first, and opened her eyes wide in disbelief, "Spiritual veins? They came here for the spiritual veins! But think about it, besides the spiritual veins, what else makes them miss so much!"

Ye Wuqing's heart was pounding, she wanted to use her spiritual veins, was this what Ming Yan meant?

That's right, otherwise, what is Ming Yan doing in the world of cultivating immortals?
"What is the spirit vein?" Just from the name, I don't know what it is, but judging from the evil spirit's obsession with it and Ye Wuqing's shocked expression, it must not be something simple.

She asked Mu Daoyu, but Mu Daoyu hesitated and refused to speak, so Ye Rumu gave up and asked Ye Wuqing instead.

Ye Rumu would never have thought that Mu Daoyu refused to say it because he didn't want to cause riots in the world of cultivating immortals!
Ye Wuqing took a deep breath, calmed down her shocked mood, and explained to Ye Rumu: "Spiritual veins can be said to be the lifeblood of the world of cultivating immortals! Once they are taken away, the world of cultivating immortals will completely become a mortal world. If there is a trace of spiritual power, the lifespan of people in the world of cultivating immortals will start to decrease. Originally, because of cultivating immortals, many people in the world of cultivating immortals have never married wives and had children. Few. In fact, the source of people in the world of cultivating immortals is partly those who ascended from the lower realms. Without spiritual power, there will be no one in the world of cultivating immortals who can ascend."

"Back then, the situation in the fairy world was not very good. The evil spirits were getting bigger and bigger. At the beginning, everyone guessed that the reason for the evil spirits to get the spirit veins was to make the evil spirits stronger as a whole. The spirit veins contained in them were infinite. Endless spiritual power!"

After hearing what Ye Wuqing said, Ye Rumu also realized the importance of this.

Many people in the world of cultivating immortals have already entered the period of fasting and no need to sleep. If there is no spiritual support and everyone turns back to ordinary people, then they will definitely not adapt again!

Moreover, the lifespan of many people is supported by cultivation. After losing the spiritual power, there will be no obvious changes at the beginning. After a while, the spiritual power will dissipate, and they will definitely age quickly and die.

Ye Rumu couldn't even imagine the world of cultivating immortals at that time!

"Wuqing, do you know where the spirit vein is?"

The best way is to protect the spirit veins!

(End of this chapter)

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