Chapter 154 Ginseng Soup 4
Ye Rumu said: "Your father's side concubine is the concubine."

Ye Xiaoye frowned and told the truth: "But, my father doesn't have a side concubine? Why does this grandma say she is your father's side concubine? My father, you like this!" surprise.

Baili Yao cast a cold glance at Ye Xiaoye, Baili Yao was a little helpless, he had the urge to throw Feng Xi out now!

Ye Xiaoye was so scared to speak by Baili Yao, she covered her mouth with her little hand, her eyes widened, as if the baby was very obedient and said nothing.

Ye Rumu came over, took Ye Xiaoye from Baili Yao's arms, walked to one side and sat down, "Well, your father's taste is quite unique."

Baili Yao narrowed his eyes and glanced at Ye Rumu, well, he also felt that he had a unique taste, otherwise, he would not have liked this woman Ye Rumu.

Feng Xi glared at Ye Xiaoye and Ye Rumu bitterly, but when she saw that Baili Yao didn't refute, she felt better again. The prince didn't speak, which was a tacit consent. Is she already a member of the palace?Feng Xi was overjoyed, she felt that Baili Yao treated her much better than the mother and child!As for the fact that Ye Rumu and Ye Xiaoye would be there in Bailiyao's study where no one was seen, Feng Xi had long since forgotten about it.

Feng Xi held up the bowl of ginseng soup even more attentively, and said softly, "My lord..."

After that, he looked at Baili Yao expectantly.

"I don't like to drink soup, but I don't like to waste it either. Princess Fengxi, you should drink it for me."

"This..." Feng Xi was a little hesitant, but if she drank it, she would miss this chance to throw Baili Yao down.Feng Xi was very conflicted, but if he didn't drink it, would Baili Yao suspect that there was something in this soup?
Feng Xi has never regarded Baili Yao as a fool, that's why she restrains herself in front of Baili Yao, pretends to be the unique gentleness of Dongxing women, and hopes that Baili Yao will like her.

"Huh?" Baili Yao raised his eyebrows, and looked up at Feng Xi who was standing not far away.

"My lord loves my concubine so much, I am so flattered... I will drink now!" Feng Xi said, holding a bowl and a spoon, and began to drink in small sips.

Now it seems that even if she doesn't need to take down Baili Yao with her body, she can still make Baili Yao fall under her pomegranate skirt by relying on her own charm!Feng Xi felt that if a man as cold and indifferent as Baili Yao could say such things to her today, he must have a good impression of her!
Not long after drinking it, Feng Xi felt an unbearable heat surge in her body!Suddenly her cheeks turned red, she couldn't lose her composure in front of Baili Yao!Feng Xi could only leave in a hurry, without even collecting her things, she ran out in a hurry and returned to her yard.

"Tsk tsk, the lord's charm is so great that Feng Xi drank what he had prepared." Ye Rumu concluded after watching this good show.

"My lord, your woman gave you a cuckold under your nose, why don't you go and take a look?" Ye Rumu looked at Baili Yao jokingly, and said frankly.

With a serious face, Baili Yao replied solemnly: "This king only has you as a woman!"

No matter before, now, or in the future, there is only you.

Ye Rumu's heart suddenly skipped a beat, Baili Yao is here, confessing?Although Baili Yao doesn't look like a casual man, but this is in ancient times, there can be many women...

It seems that this is not the first time he has said this. For some reason, she instinctively wants to believe him.

(End of this chapter)

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