Peerless Princess: Pit Niang Meng Bao Monster Evil Father

Chapter 1553 Searching for Spirit Veins 25

Chapter 1553 Searching for Spirit Veins 25
"That's right, I'll leave it to you!" Ye Rumu nodded in satisfaction, and asked people to pressure the Shangguan family to go to the college management meeting and hand it over to Ling Feiyu.

"However, these few have high spiritual power, we are no match for them..."

"Oh, then I'll help you suppress their spiritual power." Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows, found a small bottle from the storage space, and handed it to the person, "Give each of them a pill, Within three months, their spiritual powers were completely lost."

Without spiritual power, one would be just like an ordinary person, unable to make waves.

Seeing no one answered, Ye Rumu's face darkened, and he said coldly: "Don't tell me, you can't even subdue a group of people without spiritual power?"

"How could it be."

As soon as Ye Rumu's words fell, everyone quickly came to their senses and fed the Shangguan's family with pills.

They were just too shocked just now, Ye Rumu actually had such a pill...

Now alchemists in the world of cultivating immortals are almost extinct. There is a pill that can be auctioned for a sky-high price, and there are many people vying for it. Ye Rumu has a small bottle here!
"As long as you send the members of Shangguan's family to the college management meeting, these pills will be yours." Ye Rumu took out several bottles in succession.

Although people with high spiritual power will make people with low spiritual power fearful, they don't really want to help people with high spiritual power. Therefore, Ye Rumu also has a sense of propriety, and gives them some things that are particularly lacking in the world of cultivating immortals. Things, do not believe they are not happy!

Seeing the elixir, everyone's eyes lit up, and no one showed any displeasure at this moment!
As for the ghost spirit vein, whether it can be found or not is another matter, but if the Shangguan family is escorted, there will be a pill, and any fool will know which one to choose!
Ye Rumu was very generous and divided up the pills. They were all practical pills, which were of great use to cultivators.

After watching people escort Shangguan's family away, they searched this place for spiritual veins.

"Sister Rumu, you took out so many pills, what if they leaked that they got them from you, and people from the world of cultivating immortals came to ask you for pills, what would you do?" It's not a day or two since the immortal world is short of pills. With so many pills, it's inevitable that others will be jealous!
"Do you think they will take out the pills on their bodies to show off? Even if they can, they will only take out one. If there are too many, it will arouse suspicion from others. They don't want the pills in their hands to be robbed. But , even if they are really stupid enough to show off all of them, that’s okay, if you want to get my elixir, you can either do things for me or spend money to buy it, then we can earn more.” Ye Rumu said with a smile with.

Ye Xiaoye's eyes lit up, "Mother, I deeply regret that I used to eat your elixirs as jelly beans. Now that I think about it, I must have been eating gold!"

"That's right, you are eating gold." Muyan's heart ached when she heard Ye Xiaoye say that she would eat it as jelly beans!

"It's okay, just some elixir, because alchemists are scarce, and herbal medicine is cheap." Ye Rumu shrugged. I heard that herbal medicine used to be the most popular in the world of cultivating immortals, but now it has fallen to the point where no one wants it!

In addition, many herbal medicines are poisonous, and they cannot be boiled directly at all. Only alchemists can get rid of their toxicity.

(End of this chapter)

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