Chapter 1558: A Dream Appears 2
If you want to do anything, you will first seek proof of the way of heaven.

But not everyone can get in touch with the way of heaven.

"If I say, I can bear the karma? Mimeng Shangshen!" Ziyin looked at Mimeng stubbornly, thinking that if Mimeng didn't take her there, she would not let it go.

"Ziyin, don't you think you're begging the wrong person? I'm Rosemary's older sister, you should know." Mimeng frowned, and all gods are cautious, especially when it comes to matters like this, why would Ziyin think that Will she take her there?
"I'm worried about Senior Brother... Mimeng Shangshen, please! I haven't seen Senior Brother for thousands of years, I want to see him..." Ziyin bowed to Mimeng, and if Mimeng refused to agree, she would not get up the meaning of.

Mimeng watched Mimeng silently for a while, then said helplessly, "God Ziyin, why are you so stubborn."

"You do not understand……"

What responded to Mimeng was Ziyin's words that implied a thousand kinds of helplessness.

"That's right, I don't understand." Mimeng shrugged, she had never loved anyone before, so naturally she didn't understand, and she didn't know how humble she would be if she really loved someone?

"Ziyin, you are my sister's rival in love. If I take you there, won't I make trouble for my sister? No, no, no." Mi dreamed for a while, then shook her head.

"No, God Mimeng, Immortal Rosemary and Senior Brother Yang Yan, they have no memories of their previous lives, and they won't blame you. I just want to take a look at senior brother, and see if there is anything I can do to help. Mimeng Shangshen, don't worry, I won't do anything I shouldn't do!" Ziyin hurriedly promised, and he almost swore an oath!
"Well, since that's the case, I'll take you there."

Mimeng's heart softened, Ziyin heard that she was an arrogant goddess, probably the rumors were not true, at least she didn't see Ziyin's arrogance at all.

Ziyin straightened up, his eyes sparkled, filled with endless gratitude, and Mimeng felt a little uncomfortable looking at it.

Mimeng skillfully casts spells to open the barrier. Opposite the barrier is an endless black hole. If you want to step into it, you need some courage. But after Ziyin saw that the barrier was opened, he went in without any hesitation!

Mimeng shook her head and said helplessly, "What if I'm not an enchantment?"

After speaking, he also stepped in.

After the two of them left, the barrier closed by itself.

When the two saw clearly again, they had already entered a completely strange world.

As soon as Ziyin landed on the ground and took his first breath of air, he couldn't help complaining: "Why is the spiritual energy in the world of cultivating immortals so turbid and scarce? With such spiritual energy, can anyone be promoted?"

"If you find it unacceptable, go back quickly. I need to take you when you come here. Go back. I believe you know how to go back." Mimeng frowned, the spiritual energy in the world of cultivating immortals has indeed become much muddied!
Compared with back then, when the evil spirits were driven out, there was even less aura.

No wonder, for so long, no one has been promoted in the world of cultivating immortals.

Looking at it like this, unless you have spiritual veins and enough spiritual energy in your hands, you can't even think about being promoted.

Mi Meng has been in the world of cultivating immortals for several years, so she is quite familiar with the world of cultivating immortals. As soon as she arrives in the world of cultivating immortals, she goes directly to Twilight Academy.

At the moment, and the vacant Baihua Valley, there is nothing to see.

Ziyin saw that Mimeng was gone, hesitated for a while, and chose to follow Mimeng.

(End of this chapter)

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