Chapter 156 Marriage 1
Even Wenren Qiubai behaved like a little white rabbit in front of Fengxi, with low eyebrows and pleasing eyes.

A group of women came out of Xinxiangyuan, and they immediately scolded Fengxi.

"Sister Wenren, don't be angry, what is she! She really thinks she is a princess! How dare you order us to do things!"

"That's right, when Fengxi came to the palace, did you really think she was still a princess? Hmph, she will be just a side concubine in the future! What kind of princess!"

"Hey, by the way, a few days ago I saw that Jia'er next to Princess Fengxi went to find a male servant and entered Princess Fengxi's yard. Later, Princess Fengxi had a miscarriage. When we arrived, we didn't look at her. When that manservant comes say...?" She didn't say the whole thing, but everyone was not a little girl, so they naturally understood what she wanted to express.

"No way?"

"Why not? Maybe the child in her womb is not the prince's!"

"If not, why did the prince marry her?"

"This..." The person who spoke was at a loss for words, yes, since it wasn't his child, why did he marry him?
"Okay, stop guessing, and go back." Wenren Qiubai scolded after listening.

Everyone had heard about Ren Qiubai, and when she said this, everyone bid farewell to each other and left.

Wenren Qiubai turned around to look at Fengxi's courtyard with the same layout as theirs, and smiled mockingly.

What princess, don't they live in the same place as their concubines?
It's just that Ye Rumu has already made her feel troublesome, and this princess is even more troublesome!

It seems that she absolutely can't let Feng Xi marry in smoothly!I underestimated Ye Rumu before and let her marry in smoothly, and that's how it turned out!Feng Xi must not marry in!Wenren Qiubai's lips curled up slightly, Feng Xi, just wait and see!

On this day, the weather was fine, and it was the day when Conan went to Xiwu with his relatives.

Conan Shuang sat in front of the vanity mirror, and the eldest princess Baili Piaoxue, who was Conan Shuang's mother, combed her hair.

After all, Conan Shuang was too young to sit still. She held down Baili Piaoxue's hand holding the comb, and said eagerly, "Mother, did you send someone to invite them?"

Baili Piaoxue patted Conan's hands with her other free hand as if comforting, and said, "Shuang'er, don't worry, my mother has already prepared everything for you, and my mother will not let you marry Go to Xiwu and marry that old man."

Baili Piaoxue's eyes were sharp, and she looked outside, as if she could see someone she hated through the wall!
For no reason, she demoted her son to a commoner, and married her daughter to a man who was older than her father!Baili Piaoxue's two precious children were treated like this by Baili Yu, it is impossible for Baili Piaoxue not to hate her!
Conan turned around, hugged Baili Piaoxue's waist, and said coquettishly: "Mother, you are so kind~"

When Baili Piaoxue's originally sharp eyes touched Conan's eyes, they turned into eyes full of regret: "Silly boy, being a mother is not good to you, who is good to you? I feel sorry for you and your brother, who suffered such a disaster. Alas... the emperor This is distrust of our Ke family." Baili Piaoxue knows Baili Yu's younger brother too well, once Baili Yu is on guard against the Ke family, it is impossible to keep the Ke family!Last time it was Conan Sheng, this time it was Conan Shuang, the next one might be her and Ke Qianye!

"Mother, Shuang'er is going to marry Uncle Yaohuang, you must help me! Send Ye Rumu to Xiwu! The people of Xiwu are open and will accept Ye Rumu!" Conan shook Baili Piaoxue arm said.

(End of this chapter)

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