Chapter 1570: A Dream Appears 14
"It's okay, Ziyin can't make a fuss, I trust Yao." Ye Rumu shrugged indifferently, if he didn't even have this bit of trust, he wouldn't be where he is today.

Seeing Ye Rumu say this, Muyan didn't say anything, but she was thinking silently, not worried about Baili Yao, but worried about what Ziyin would do!

What Ye Rumu wants to see most now is Mimeng. Originally, he had a lot to ask Mimeng, but now knowing that Mimeng and her are in the world of cultivating immortals, Ye Rumu can't tell what it feels like.

"Muyan, how does it feel to have a sister?" Ye Rumu couldn't tell what it was like, looking forward to it?Fear?worried?

"I don't know." Muyan shook her head, "Sister Rumu, you are my only female friend for so many years. However, although we are not biological, I only have respect and admiration for Sister Rumu!"

As Muyan said that, she was almost staring.

Ye Rumu smiled, "I hope you can treat me as a friend, what respect and admiration do I have?"

"Anyway, I don't care, Sister Rumu is someone I admire!" Muyan shook her head and said.

"Okay, okay." Ye Rumu was defeated.

Mimeng had shown her face before, so Ye Rumu knew what she looked like, but the real person had never seen her.

This is the first time I have encountered this kind of anticipation and apprehension!
Sure enough, is my sister different from other people?
"Sister Rumu, after you go to the fairy world, will you come back to see us?"

"You can come to the fairy world to accompany me in the future." Seeing Muyan's expectant look, Ye Rumu couldn't help but said.

"But I may not be able to follow you to the fairy world. I still need to practice for at least a few thousand years, and I may not be able to go to the fairy world. And..." And now the spirit vein is still in danger, and I don't know the spirit vein What will happen after the past?

Will the spiritual pulse fall into the hands of evil spirits?

"Okay, don't think too much. If you can't go to the fairyland in a short time, I will definitely come back to see you when I have the chance. Besides, are we talking too early? I don't even know if I can go to the fairyland. "Ye Rumu shook his head amusedly.

"But, Sister Rumu, you were from the Immortal World in your previous life. You will definitely go back to the Immortal World in the future!" Although Muyan has never been to the Immortal World, as the closest to the Immortal World, she knows many things.

"Didn't you also say that it was the previous life, who knows what will happen in the future?" Ye Rumu smiled, after all, no one can predict the future.

Muyan fell silent after hearing this, and sat quietly beside Ye Rumu.

Baili Yao also came over at some point, and sat on the other side of Ye Rumu, and Ziyin, not to be outdone, also followed and sat next to Baili Yao.

However, Baili Yao couldn't speak consonants, so he frowned, and said to Ye Rumu, "I've searched all over here, if there is nothing, how about we set off tomorrow?"

"Okay, I have no objection, you can ask other people what they think." Ye Rumu nodded, now we can't delay too much time, it's better to start early.

"I have an opinion! Brother, you haven't had a good rest for a long time, so what if you stay and rest for a few more days? Besides, your body is not as good as the fairy body before, so you should rest for a few more days!" Ziyin looked at Ye with dissatisfaction. With a glance at Rumu, Rosemary is Rosemary, whether it was before or now,

(End of this chapter)

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