Chapter 1578 Rescue Jingxing 2
After the matter in the world of cultivating immortals is over, you can go back.

"What happened back then? Jing Xingshang...Senior Jing Xing, why are you trapped here?" Mimeng subconsciously wanted to call Shangshen, but thinking of what Jing Xing said, she insisted on becoming a senior.

Jing Xing's face turned dark all of a sudden, Senior Jing Xing?It's not as good as Jing Xing Shangshen!

But it is also undeniable that he did have a lot of fantasies!
When Jing Xing cultivated to become a god, Mimeng hadn't been born yet!

Jing Xing's face was dark, he didn't want to talk to Mimeng,

Mimeng felt Jing Xing's low pressure, and didn't understand what happened to Jing Xing?
Is it because he remembered what happened when he was trapped here, so he was very angry when he thought of it?
It's true to think about it, Jing Xingshangshangshen is such a powerful god, it's really annoying to be trapped here by evil spirits for tens of thousands of years.

When fans dream of reaching this level, those who are "understanding" don't ask any more questions.

Jing Xing was depressed, but he wanted Mimeng to call her name directly!
The so-called authorities are obsessed with bystanders, and the matter of Jing Xing and Mimeng can be clearly seen by the few people and beasts watching.

"Why don't we go out first? Master has been here for such a long time, it's time to go out to bask in the sun." Ye Rumu stood up to smooth things over.

Jing Xing looked at Ye Rumu, Ye Rumu was his only apprentice, he shook his head helplessly, and walked in front first.

Mimeng thought to herself, Jing Xing is still the apprentice who loves her the most, Jing Xing will not be angry with Rosemary's words, um, it is a good thing that someone loves Rosemary with her.

"Dier, I haven't seen sunlight for many years, tell me, how the outside world has changed?" Jing Xing seemed to know that there was no sunshine in Nuanxue Valley, so he asked Ye Rumu directly.

"Outside... Time has changed, probably many things that existed before are gone, but Master, I have not been here for a long time. If you want to ask, you should also ask my sister. My sister stayed here thousands of years ago." Ye Rumu cleverly brought the topic to Mimeng.

Jing Xing looked at Mimeng, Mimeng thought for a while, and said, "Well, I haven't looked at it carefully, but the few hills I passed by are gone, and I'm still wondering if I've gone the wrong way? But Ah, the big sects from thousands of years ago are still there, such as the Twilight Academy, Beiming Academy, Canghai Academy, and some sect families, I feel very kind when I hear it now."

There was a nostalgic look on Mimeng's face, Jing Xing looked at it with a twinkle in his eyes.

What Jing Xing wants to know most now is actually whether Mimeng has someone he likes, or in other words... already married?

Now is not the time to ask, Jing Xing thought, if he is by her side, everyone will know, right?
Back in Nuanxue Valley, I was told that Yan An was gone!

Ye Wuqing was startled, "Why did you disappear? Did Yan An say where he was going?"

"We said we went out for a walk, but we never came back. Nuanxue Valley is only this big, we couldn't find anyone no matter how hard we searched." Muyan said anxiously.

At this time, they also saw Jing Xing, but they only knew that they were going to save one person, since Jing Xing was following them, they were there to save Jing Xing?

"So, Yan'an has gone out? Where will Yan'an go?" Ye Wuqing frowned, with worry and anxiety in her tone that she didn't realize.

(End of this chapter)

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