Chapter 1593

"It's a lifelong thing for my subordinates to accompany the young master, and I will never regret it!" Ming Gang said seriously with his eyes down and his head down.

Ming Gang is the son of one of the elders. He grew up with Ming Yan, so he has been following Ming Yan since he was a child, listening to Ming Yan and doing things for Ming Yan.

"Ming Gang, staying by my young master's side and doing things for this young master does not conflict with your starting a family." Ming Yan knew that Ming Gang had no plans to start a family when he heard Ming Gang's words.

Ming just lowered his head, not talking.

"Forget it, I don't bother to talk about you anymore, let's talk about these things later." Ming Yan also lowered his head and looked at his desk, which had a portrait of a woman on it.

The woman in the painting has bright eyebrows, bright starry eyes, long hair like waterfalls, and is extremely seductive in a long red dress. Looking at the distance, she seems to see something she loves, with shining eyes.

Ming Gang and Zui have been by Ming Yan's side for so many years, except for a period of time when the young master went out to do errands and didn't take him with him, at other times, no matter what happened to Ming Yan, he would notice it.

Ming just didn't know the woman on the portrait, but the young master always regarded that portrait as a treasure, and whenever he was free, he would stare at the portrait of this woman.

After so long, Ming Gang always asks Ming Yan, who is the woman above?
Ming Yan would answer every time, he was the one he was waiting for.

Ming Gang really wanted Yu Xiner to see that portrait, and told Yu Xiner that it was the young master's beloved!
I don't know, can Yu Xiner wake up?

However, people who are sleeping are most afraid of waking up. Even so, will Yu Xiner believe it?
Ming Gang looked at Ming Yan, then quietly looked at the portrait, his eyes deepened.

He was about to leave, but was stopped by Ming Yan.

"Ming Gang, you can accompany this young master to meet her." Ming Yan's voice was full of helplessness.

Ming Gang was taken aback, is that the person on the portrait?
Seeing that the young master has watched it for so many years, he never imagined that that person is actually in the world of cultivating immortals?

"Yes! Young Master." Ming just wanted to see what kind of person he was, and he won over Yu Xiner.

Ming Yan didn't delay any longer, he went out as soon as he said it, and even Yu Xin'er couldn't find anyone after she was a step behind!
"Why did the young master go out again!" Yu Xiner angrily walked towards Elder Yu, pouted very unhappy.

"Don't worry, after this time, the young master will obediently go back with us." Elder Yu comforted Yu Xin'er.

"Father, we didn't gain anything from this visit. If we go back like this, won't the leader blame us?" When Yu Xiner heard that she was going back, she became worried about Elder Yu and Ming Yan again. If she wanted to punish her, she must punish them both. !
"If you don't go back, what else can you do if you stay here? With the young master here, you can't even avenge your father!" Elder Yu shook his head. They were almost forced to die together!

Yu Xin'er opened her mouth and didn't speak anymore. She didn't want to see blood again.

"Okay, then this time, I will wait for the young master to come back honestly, and then we will leave." Yu Xiner was a little surprised. Although the young master did not kill innocent people indiscriminately, in the world of cultivating immortals, he clearly showed that he did not want to hurt anyone. human appearance?
"Okay, don't think about it too much. After you go back, I will mention your marriage with the young master as a father." Elder Yu smiled and touched Yu Xin'er's head, his own daughter, After all, he grew up.

(End of this chapter)

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