Chapter 1622

So seeing Ling Feiyu, he just nodded.

Ling Feiyu was also taken aback when he saw Ye Rumu and Baili Yao.

"You guys, have you come to the fairyland so soon?" Ling Feiyu originally thought that it would be impossible for them to cultivate to the fairyland by themselves in a short period of time, so he wanted to check their cultivation base.

In the end, they saw that the cultivation bases of Ye Rumu and Baili Yao were only at the level of gods!
"You..." Ling Feiyu frowned, wanting to ask what happened.

But I also thought that Ye Rumu still carried the soul of the person Lingyue liked!
Ling Feiyu's eyes suddenly dimmed. If he came, would Lingyue still pay attention to him?
"Do you know each other?" Dongfang Lingyue asked while pouring tea after making tea.

"Yeah." Ling Feiyu nodded, and added: "I saw it when I was cultivating immortals."

"Oh, so that's how it is." After pouring the tea, Dongfang Lingyue sat down, raised her eyebrows and said, "Mimeng, should you introduce me?"

Mimeng nodded, looked at Ye Rumu, and said: "This is what I told you, my sister, Rosemary. This is Rosemary's husband, that is, my brother-in-law, Yang Yan Shangshen, and their children, Yang Ye. Brother Wushangzi, you know."

"So it's your sister?" Dongfang Lingyue looked at Ye Rumu in surprise, "I've always heard about you from Mimeng many years ago, but I never got to see you, and now I finally see you!"

Ye Rumu smiled and nodded.

"So you are really Mimeng's younger sister? Or your own younger sister?" Ling Feiyu was stunned for a moment.

"Didn't I tell you that she was my sister when I went to the world of cultivating immortals some time ago?" Mimeng rolled her eyes, probably because Ling Feiyu couldn't believe it. After all, one is a god and the other is an ordinary person, and Ling Feiyu You know, Mimeng suddenly came to the world of cultivating immortals thousands of years ago, no one knows where she came from.

"I just can't believe it. Now that girl Rumu has become a god, I have to believe it." Ling Feiyu suddenly felt that he was many generations younger than others!How can you call me a girl!

Ye Rumu just looked at Ling Feiyu for a while, but didn't speak.

"Mimeng, you didn't just bring your sister to meet me today, did you?" Dongfang Lingyue teased after getting to know a few people.

The identity of the Mi family is not simple, and that of the Yang family should not be underestimated!

She has been in the fairy world for so long, so she has heard about the Yang family. If she is right, Yang Yan should be from the Yang family!
After all, this surname cannot be used by just anyone.

"There is indeed something, something you have always wanted to know." Mimeng said, looking at Ling Feiyu.

Seeing Ling Feiyu froze all over, he sat aside and didn't move.

Ling Feiyu knew about Ye Rumu's Cheng Qizhu a long time ago, and now he also guessed what Mimeng wanted to say when he brought Ye Rumu here.

Dongfang Lingyue's hand holding the teacup trembled for a moment, she forced the teacup to her mouth calmly, took a sip, and asked uncertainly, "Is it him?"

It has been so many years, Dongfang Lingyue has given up hope a long time ago, but if she mentions it at this time and is disappointed, Dongfang Lingyue will definitely collapse!
"That's right, your news about him!" Mimeng knew what Dongfang Lingyue was worried about, so she nodded seriously and said.

"I'll go for a walk." Ling Feiyu suddenly stood up and walked outside.

He didn't dare to stay any longer, and didn't dare to see the scene where Dongfang Lingyue and him got together!

(End of this chapter)

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