Chapter 1625

Ye Rumu's eyes dimmed. Although Cheng Qizhu and Dongfang Lingyue met, they had no way of contacting each other, and Ling Feiyu would be forced to leave Dongfang Lingyue's side. The three of them might still live in pain .

However, Ye Rumu knew very well that if she was given another chance to do it all over again, she would still do it.

When it comes to emotional matters, no one can tell what will happen in the future.

Ye Rumu has a cold temper, she only recognizes the person she likes, but if the person she likes disappears for thousands of years, just at this time there is another man who gives silently and does not ask for anything in return, Ye Rumu is not sure, Will she accept it?
The steadfast and sweet love story is nothing more than a fantasy after all.

In the case of Cheng Qizhu and Dongfang Lingyue, it might be possible.But Ye Rumu and Baili Yao have experienced so much, they will never give up on Baili Yao.

"Silly sister, what you did is not wrong. It is impossible for Lingyue to accept Feiyu. It's just that Feiyu can't wake up by herself. After so many years, Lingyue has been looking forward to her brother Zhu returning to her. Mimeng's eyes were complicated, everything that happened back then was just a coincidence, but Ye Rumu met Cheng Qizhu in the process of searching for the Lingzhu, and Cheng Qizhu was actually the person Dongfang Lingyue was thinking of.

Therefore, Cheng Qizhu and Dongfang Lingyue were destined to meet again, and it was up to them as to how they would go in the future.

Ye Rumu narrowed his eyes, but didn't ask why after all.

Well, she doesn't need to be so curious about other people's stories and lives.

"Sister, it's good if you come back. Sister, I want to find my father next." Mi dreamed of Mimi, with guilt in her eyes. She had delayed for so many years and did not rescue her father. What is the difficulty.

"Sister! I'll go with you!" Since Ye Rumu came back, she definitely didn't let Mimeng face all kinds of problems that should be faced together by herself.

"Die'er, sister is very pleased that you want to help her, but if father comes back, wouldn't everyone in the family make father anxious? Don't worry, in the lower planes, no one can hurt you. Sister." Mimeng said firmly.

"But sister, can't we leave the fairy world at will and go to the lower plane?" Ye Rumu frowned.

Because as a person in the fairy world, he has powerful magic power, if he goes to a low-level plane, if he uses his magic power, he will definitely violate the rules of heaven and earth.

When the Jade Emperor was there, people in the fairy world could go to the low-level planes at will, but later, many people in the fairy world couldn't restrain themselves, used magic, violated the rules of heaven, not only that, but also destroyed that plane The original balance, so before the Jade Emperor disappeared, he said that people in the fairy world should not go to the low-level interface at will.

The Jade Emperor probably knew that he couldn't stay in the fairy world anymore, and had told him that if he wanted to leave the fairy world and go to a lower plane, he had to first speculate on God's will and see if it would allow it.

As long as you don't do bad things, or go to low-level planes frequently, Tiandao will still turn a blind eye.

"I've already figured it out, I can go." Mimeng replied.

Hearing what Mi Meng said, Ye Rumu felt relieved, nodded and said: "Then sister, go at ease, you used to wait for me to come back, now it's my turn to wait for you to come back."

(End of this chapter)

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