Chapter 1629

As soon as Yang Lie heard that Yang Yan was coming back, he quickly led his people out of the mountain to meet him.

As the family grows and there are more people, it is natural that some people welcome it and some don't.

Especially those with good talents, if there is no Yang Yan, then they are very likely to be taken by Yang Lie to the master's house to be the young master, and they will inherit the huge Yang family in the future!

Therefore, I sincerely hope that not many Yang Yan will come back.

Back then, Yang Yan disappeared without saying a word. Many people didn't know the real reason, but they vaguely heard that it was because of a woman?
Yang Lie stood at the foot of the mountain calmly, but the excitement in his eyes betrayed him!

In the eyes of the head of the Yang family, Yang Yan is their hope, and in the eyes of the side branches, Yang Yan is their obstacle.

But the people from the side branches are much weaker than the people from the main family, and they are not the opponents of the main family at all!
With the people of the Yang family eager to see through, Baili Yao finally appeared with Ye Rumu and Ye Xiaoye.

Yang Lie didn't move at the front, and the people behind didn't dare to move or speak.

When Baili Yao came to the front, Yang Lie said, "Stinky boy! You still know how to come back!"

"Father." Baili Yao shouted.

Yang Lie nodded repeatedly, if there were not so many people present, he would have been unable to hold back his tears!
"Isn't this..." Yang Lie looked at Ye Rumu and frowned, "Isn't it the daughter of Mimi God?"

"Yes, father, and also my wife." Yang Yan said with a heavy nod in front of so many people.

Back then, he and Rosemary were not married, but there were quite a few people who knew they were together, and when they were about to get married, Rosemary was about to go down to earth to endure calamity.

Yang Lie looked at Ye Rumu in surprise. After so many years, he never thought that these two children would still be together after going around.

The people behind Yang Lie suddenly exploded, especially a woman standing a little behind Yang Lie, staring straight at Yang Yan with an expression of disbelief.

"God Yanglie." Ye Rumu took a step forward, and the friendly Chaoyanglie nodded.

"God Rosemary...ah no, it should be my daughter-in-law! Why do you call me God Yang Lie so out of the blue! You have to call me father-in-law!" Yang Lie stared.

Baili Yao frowned, and hid Ye Rumu behind his back, "Father, don't scare her."

Yang Lie: "..." He didn't do anything!

Seeing this scene, Ye Rumu curled his lips.

Ye Rumu: "..." Does she look like someone who will be frightened?
Rosemary in the past might have, but Ye Rumu, who has experienced so much, will not be frightened.

At the beginning, when they fell in love with each other, they made a promise that they would be husband and wife for life after life. With Yuelao, their marriage has been completely tied, and they can't be untied no matter what.

Baili Yao grabbed the 14-year-old Ye Xiaoye, placed it in front of Yang Lie, and introduced, "Yang Ye."

"Oh, Yang Ye." Yang Lie nodded indifferently, then reacted suddenly, his eyes widened, and he said in disbelief, "What did you say? Yang Ye? Surname Yang? What does it have to do with you?"

"My son." Baili Yao said calmly, ignoring how much the Yang family was frightened by his words!

"What? Your son? That is, my grandson?" Yang Lie excitedly put his hand on Ye Xiaoye's shoulder, "Good boy, you are already this old, call him Grandpa!"

Ye Xiaoye raised his eyebrows, and shouted in a sensible manner, "Grandpa!"

"Hey, good, good!" Yang Lie looked at Ye Xiaoye with a smile,

(End of this chapter)

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