Chapter 1631

Daddy, you look down on me too much, I have grown up, I don’t like those things anymore, and there are countless treasures in my space, hehe, besides, I have become the young master of the Yang family, you think I will lose those things ?Daddy, let me tell you, I will not let mother be kept in the dark! "Ye Xiaoye said firmly.

Baili Yao took a deep look at Ye Xiaoye, and said lightly, "Oh, then go ahead and talk about it."

"That's it?" Ye Xiaoye was dumbfounded. Didn't he add more chips and threaten him not to tell his mother?

"I have nothing with her. She likes me. It's just her own business. What has it to do with me? Why are you afraid of being known by your mother?" Baili Yao raised his eyebrows and asked back.

Uh... Ye Xiaoye doesn't know either!

"Okay, don't worry Daddy, I will find out your other weaknesses to threaten you!" Ye Xiaoye said vowedly.

Baili Yao: "..." This must not be your own, right?
If I knew it earlier, when I followed Ye Rumu to the modern world, I would go for a paternity test.

Yang Jingjing stared at Baili Yao's back infatuatedly. She had waited tens of thousands of years for this man, loved him for tens of thousands of years, and hoped for tens of thousands of years. other women!

It's just that the woman was going to the mortal world to ascend to God, but he followed without hesitation, and now she finally came back with a child, and was extremely indifferent to her.

Yang Jingjing's eyes filled with tears unknowingly, do you really want to just give up like this?
But what can she do?They have children in the mortal world, and Yang Jingjing doesn't even have a chance to stop them!
No... No, no, let's just forget it. If she gives up by herself, who else can help her?

Yang Yan and Rosemary did not hold a wedding in the fairyland, right!
They are not really fairy couples!
That's right, that's it, she still has a chance to become Yang Yan's fairy companion.

After Yang Jingjing figured it out, she followed with deep eyes.

Yang Lie took Ye Rumu to the front, told Ye Rumu a lot about the Yang family, and then asked Ye Rumu about their going to the mortal world.

When they arrived at the Yang family, Yang Lie dismissed everyone from the Yang family, took Yang Lie into the Yang family's Immortal Mansion, let Ye Rumu take a seat, and served tea, forgetting about Yang Yan and Yang Ye!
Yang Yan's mother, Mu Mu, heard that her son was back, and hurried out to look, but only saw Rosemary, she was taken aback, smiled at Rosemary, and asked: "Dieer, you came back with Yang Yan ,yes?"

The matter that Rosemary and Yang Yan left together back then, it seems that everyone who should know knows about it!

Ye Rumu nodded, and smiled guiltily at Mu Mu, "I'm sorry, Mu Mu, God, what happened back then is my fault!"

"What else is it called Shangshen? You and Yan'er are a couple, you should call me mother-in-law instead!" Mu Mu smiled at Shangshen, in her opinion, it's good to be back, it's good to be back!She wouldn't blame Rosemary, after all, it was Yang Yan's own choice, Rosemary went first, she didn't know.

Ye Rumu couldn't help smiling, and without being shy, she called directly, "Mother-in-law."

"Well, that's good! Come back this time, don't you want to leave? Do you want to stay at Yang's house for a few more days?" Mu Mu was afraid that Rosemary would leave, so she hurriedly inquired about the news.

Ye Rumu hooked his lips and said with a smile, "Where are Yang Yan and Ye'er, I will be there."

(End of this chapter)

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