Chapter 1634

Ye Rumu felt guilty for a while.

She actually forgot her father for such a long time!
Even when he was in the world of cultivating immortals, Mi Meng didn't mention the matter of Mijia in the fairy world, and Ye Rumu didn't dare to ask if Mi Meng didn't mention it.

After hearing this, Mu Mu exchanged a glance with Yang Lie, nodded and said, "Okay, kid, if you need anything, you must let us know, you know? Our Yang family will definitely be your most solid backing!"

Ye Rumu listened, and nodded with a sweet smile.


Ye Rumu walked all the way, no matter when it was Rosemary or Ye Rumu, the mother never appeared in Ye Rumu's life as a whole.

Mimi brought her and Mimeng up, and never told them who their mother was, but Ye Rumu knew that Mimi definitely didn't hide it from them on purpose.

Ye Rumu's mood was a bit complicated. What was his father going to do if he had to leave the fairyland and go to the mortal world this time?
Faintly felt that it wasn't that simple, but Ye Rumu couldn't figure out why Mimi wanted to go.

I don't know why Mimi has been keeping silent about her mother's affairs.

Is it because speaking out will make her and Mimeng sad?

Ye Rumu thought about it more than once, but no one could give Ye Rumu an answer.

Ye Rumu sighed softly, although it was very light, everyone's attention was not on her, but everyone present noticed it!

However, everyone didn't ask what happened to Ye Rumu, they looked at each other silently, and continued to chat.

Chatting and chatting, unknowingly arrived at the starry night.

Maybe because the fairyland is the closest place to the sky, at night in the fairyland, the stars above the sky are extraordinarily clear, the land of the fairyland is illuminated brightly, the wind blows slowly, and the years are quiet and beautiful.

Evil spirits have been lurking all over the fairy world. They will only complete the tasks assigned by their employers, and will not harm any other people in the fairy world.

After having the memory, Ye Rumu also understood that although the evil spirits are villains and cults, if the people in the fairy world don't provoke them, they won't do anything to you.

But how is it possible?Those who were killed by evil spirits were hired by others, but the evil spirits still killed them, right?
So the pursuit of evil spirits has never stopped.

Ye Rumu narrowed his eyes, even if he became a fairy, he would still die, but the lifespan was very, very long.

Even for that long life, there will be countless people wanting to come to the fairy world one after another. In fact, Ye Rumu has always felt that endless life is not good. If you live too long, you will be too tired and bear it. Also more.

However, that was the idea before, now that he has his family, Baili Yao and Ye Xiaoye, Ye Rumu thinks, even if he just lives to watch them, he will always be happy.

Ye Rumu stayed at Yang's house for the time being. Mu Mu and Yang Lie kindly invited Ye Rumu's family to stay at Yang's house for a few more days after saying that they would go back within a few days. If Mu doesn't live in Yang's house, Baili Yao and Ye Xiaoye won't stay. Before Ye Rumu proposes to leave, he invites them to stay.

Ye Rumu only hesitated for a moment before agreeing. Baili Yao has been away from the fairyland for so long, and it is impossible to miss home. It was also because of her that Baili Yao left back then, so it should be regarded as compensation to Mu Mu and The sun is already hot,

(End of this chapter)

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