Chapter 164

But Ye Rumu simply followed him, and the two walked side by side on the street.

The weather was fine, and the pale golden sunlight shone on their hair and shoulders, as if they were covered with a layer of golden light.

The sun shone on Baili Yao's face, making his face with distinct features more and more beautiful, fair and clear.

Even women would be crazily jealous of his face!What's more, there are so many people who fall in love with him.She was even thinking that if a woman got into his heart, then he would definitely give that woman a world of love.What about her?Did it enter his heart?This question has no solution.Only he knows.

"Is this the good show that the princess is talking about?" Baili Yao's cold, sexy and charming voice slowly rang out above her head.

Ye Rumu raised his head slightly, and smiled with his lips curled up: "My lord thinks, am I being too vicious?"

Although what she did was just to fight back, in the eyes of outsiders, it might be vicious!But it doesn't matter, she has always been someone who doesn't offend me, and I don't offend others. Since she committed a crime, she has to bear the consequences.She is not the Virgin of the White Lotus, and does not have so much compassion.

As an orphan in her previous life, her mind is always much more mature than her peers, and she is good at protecting herself from being hurt by anyone.Therefore, if you want to prevent anyone from being hurt, you must make yourself stronger!So powerful that the enemy can't afford it.

Baili Yao smiled coldly, holding his hand even more restrained: "No, I think the princess is too kind."

There was actually some regret in his tone.

Ye Rumu stared slightly, what did that regretful tone mean?
But she didn't delve into it, she chuckled and said, "She's your niece."

She plans to send Conan Shuang to Xiwu, even if Baili Yao doesn't like Conan Shuang, shouldn't she think that she is vicious?This way of opening seems to be a bit wrong.

Baili Yao hummed lightly, she is indeed a niece, but what does it have to do with him?
How could he say that Ye Rumu is not for a person who has nothing to do with him?What's more, even if what Ye Rumu did was wrong and shouldn't be, he still felt that it was right.

"If you have anything to do in the future, you can tell me that I'm here!" Baili Yao said suddenly.

Although he knew that Ye Rumu was not a woman who needed protection, but he would be behind her, and when she was tired, he would protect her.

Ye Rumu was slightly surprised by his words.

The sentence that I have this king caused ripples in Ye Rumu's heart lake.From childhood to adulthood, in past and present lives, no one has ever told her that I am here.

She suddenly smiled like a flower, her eyes narrowed into crescent moons, she was very beautiful.

Baili Yao's eyes were dazzled for a moment.

Just listen to her say: "Okay."

Baili Yao also laughed, this is, has she started to accept him and let him enter her world?
Ye Rumu thought about it, meeting him was like fate, as if she traveled through time, not only for rebirth, but also just to meet him.Whether it's fate or the direction of the heart, she thought, just follow the heart.

Her hand struggled a little, and she shook his big hand back, and the two of them clasped their fingers tightly.At this time, Ye Rumu finally understood the artistic conception of those two poems, hold your hand and grow old with you, probably what they are talking about now.

Baili Yao was surprised, he lowered his head, but bumped into Ye Rumu's beautiful eyes full of smiles.His heart softened, and he deeply felt how wise it was to drive Yunfeng back to the palace and spend time with Ye Rumu alone.

Ye Rumu and Baili Yao returned to the palace, and Feng Xi came to meet them with joy.

 I will write two chapters today, and I have something to do in the afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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