Chapter 1642

He cast a warning look at Jun Moli.

Ye Rumu: "..." How the hell have you become so childish?
Ye Rumu didn't care what Jun Moli's expression was behind him, it was only a few steps away from the maze, so he quickly brought Jun Moli to the maze.

Jun Moli looked at the maze with a calm expression. Back then, he had been to the nearby one, but he didn't go in because she was not there.

Now, I can finally walk in openly, but everything has changed!

Even his state of mind lost the slightest bit of joy, only endless desolation.

If back then, he refused to let her go, and would follow her even if he stalked her, would it be different?
However, it is useless to pursue these now...

Wushangzi had sensed another powerful aura outside long ago, and he didn't leave for a long time.

Because the other party had no intention of coming over, Wushangzi kept observing and didn't rush out. Now seeing that aura coming up and bringing several powerful messages, Wushangzi ran out immediately.

The result was seeing Ye Rumu, Baili Yao, Ye Xiaoye, and the man with a strong aura who had been standing not far from the maze.

Wushangzi looked at everyone in surprise, and was about to ask what was going on, but after thinking about it, he chose to shut up, because there was something wrong with being angry after all!
Wushangzi didn't speak, and the others didn't intend to speak, until they reached the main hall inside, Ye Rumu said: "I'll make tea for you."

After Ye Rumu left, Jun Moli looked away from Ye Rumu and looked at Baili Yao, "Take good care of her."

"Naturally." Jun Moli didn't need to say it, it was his duty!

Jun Moli took a deep breath, smiled lightly and said, "Unexpectedly, I lost to you just like that."

Baili Yao remained calm, and replied, "You've lost before it even starts."

Jun Moli was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly and self-deprecatingly, and had no further words.

Wushangzi listened in confusion, what were these two talking about?
Wushangzi tugged at Ye Xiaoye and asked what happened to Ye Xiaoye, after all, Ye Xiaoye was one of the crowd watching just now.

Ye Xiaoye glanced at Wushangzi, "Why are you so gossip?"

Wushangzi: "..." Oh, really, we can't communicate anymore!
Just to inquire about what happened outside, and was actually gossiped by a brat!
This is simply the type of life without love!

Ye Xiaoye didn't care about him, and looked at Baili Yao and Jun Moli leisurely. In fact, Ye Xiaoye hoped to fight quickly!

If Baili Yao knew, he wouldn't know how far he would spray a mouthful of old blood!

He is a dear father!

Wushangzi looked at it for a while, pondered for a while, but still couldn't figure out what the relationship was, and then Ye Rumu came out with tea.

A cup of tea for each person was placed in front of them. Ye Rumu looked at them, raised his eyebrows, and sat down beside them.

Jun Moli said: "Die'er, if you need anything in the future, just tell me, my Jun family will go through fire and water for you, and I will not hesitate!"

Jun Moli spoke righteous words with a firm tone.

A word suddenly popped up in Wushangzi's mind, this Jun Moli, doesn't he like Ye Rumu?

Ye Rumu refused without hesitation.

Ask the Jun family to help her a stranger?Don't say that Jun Jiale is not happy, she herself is not happy!
(End of this chapter)

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