Chapter 1657

The person who was fed the poison by Ye Rumu stared at Ye Rumu with wide eyes, pointed at Ye Rumu, and recovered his voice from the shock after a while, " actually fed me poison! You Do you know the consequences of offending the evil spirit religion?"

Ye Rumu still laughed, and in the next second, with a murderous air all over his body, he said coldly: "I don't know, but I know that you will die suddenly in half an hour!"

The evil spirit man froze, he was still smiling just now, but this sudden change of face scared him enough!
Subconsciously, she thought that what Ye Rumu said was true...

If he is unwilling to say anything, Ye Rumu will really let him die like this!

The evil spirit regretted it, why did he have to meet this ancestor alone!

With a trembling voice, he asked in a low voice, "You...what do you want to do?"

"Bring us a letter, we want to see Ming Yan!" This time, Ye Rumu directly named Ming Yan.

The evil spirit looked at Ye Rumu in shock, who the hell is this?Whether it's the evil spirits or outsiders, when they mention the young master, they won't use such an arrogant tone like this girl!

But, this girl is so arrogant!

Who let his own life be held in the hands of this girl?
At this time, the evil spirits are smart enough not to ask who they are and what their purpose is.


I won't tell him if I ask!
However, the evil spirit was still a little uncertain, he hesitated for a moment, looked at Ye Rumu, and asked, "You...will not hurt the young master, right?"

"No." Ye Rumu assured.

Ye Wuqing's expression was complicated, but she didn't stop Ye Rumu, and she didn't think about what to do to Ming Yan, she just wanted to make a decision, she didn't want to drag on like this any longer, the two of them, sooner or later, would have a relationship. Personal compromise, but they have to make it clear first!
The evil spirit thought for a while, since he wouldn't hurt the young master, why didn't he go directly to the young master if he just wanted to see the young master?

However, people with evil spirits dare not say these words, they can only write letters and let people outside send them out.

People with evil spirits have managed to get to where they are now, and they will not die so easily...

What's more, he is only the bottom person, there is no need to die for the people above.

Ming just came in with the letter and sighed when he saw Ming Yan standing on the edge of the cliff with a blank face.

Since returning to the Evil Spirit Cult, the young master has often come here to stay. Even if Ming Gang wanted Ming Yan to continue going out to relax, Ming Yan was unwilling to go out.

Ming Gang couldn't bear it anymore, so he asked why.

Ming Yan looked into the distance unfathomably, with crazy thoughts overflowing his eyes, "She's back."

Ming just didn't ask who it was, but he knew who it was. From then on, he never persuaded Ming Yan again, letting Ming Yan do what he wanted to do.

After reading it for a while, Ming approached Ming Yan with the letter just now.

Originally, he didn't intend to show Ming Yan to read this letter, but the people below said that Ming Yan had to read it, otherwise Ming Yan would regret it.

Ming just sneered, except for that matter, who else could make the young master regret it?

However, when Ming Gang heard that a girl named Ye Wuqing asked to bring it, Ming Gang took it without any hesitation.

The young master became like this, probably because of her.

Reason told Ming Gang to cut off any relationship with Ye Wuqing,

(End of this chapter)

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