Chapter 1660

But sooner or later they will be separated for this reason. "

Ming Yan's hands under the table were clenched suddenly, his heart felt uncomfortable as if being pinched, his face gradually turned pale, but he resisted it and pretended to be indifferent.

Hearing the reason for her leaving, Ming Yan was helpless.

However, this is not what made Ming Yan most uncomfortable, what suffocated him the most was what Ye Wuqing said next.

She said: "My parents died at the hands of evil spirits."

Ming Yan had never felt his heart be so uncomfortable, the sudden suffocation made him open his mouth, breathing in big mouthfuls of air, as if he was about to be drowned in water.

Well, now, he no longer has the face to ask her to be with him!

Thinking about it this way, the uncomfortable feeling is even more fierce.

Ye Wuqing only looked at Ming Yan with cold eyes, but the hands under the wide sleeves had been pierced by the already tight nails!

"I'm sorry..." Ming Yan held back for a long time, and only held back this sentence. No matter what the real situation is, this sentence of sorry is all his debt to Liang Zhu.

Evil spirits have always accepted tasks, handled affairs, and taken money.

This is irreparable.

Ming Yan lowered his head and his eyes sank, making it impossible to know what he was thinking.

Ye Wuqing smiled ironically, the two of them sat together again after such a long time, and they didn't even know what to say.

"The wooden sign on the Marriage Mountain..."

"I've read it." Ye Wuqing interrupted before Ming Yan finished speaking.

Ming Yan's pupils shrank suddenly——

She has seen it!

Ming Yan understood that even if she had read it, it seemed impossible for them to be together.

Killing father and enemy...

The sinner who made her an orphan was him...

The two fell silent again, and the time passed by, and neither of them mentioned the matter of leaving.

They seemed to want to spend more time with each other.

Ye Wuqing's mood is complicated. Although she told herself that this matter has nothing to do with Ming Yan, Ming Yan was just a child back then, and the existence of evil spirits did these things, it cannot be blamed on Ming Yan, he There is no way to choose your own birth.

But Ye Wuqing couldn't accept it all of a sudden, and she didn't know, does Ming Yan still like her now?Do you still want to be with her?

Back then, it was she who left him without saying a word!
It wasn't until I lost my memory that I felt better, now...

Ye Wuqing lowered her head, hiding the rolling emotions in her eyes.


Ming Yan stood up, his tone pretending to be relaxed, "Liangzhu, I know you can't forgive me, let's just pretend...we never met. I'm leaving, you have to...take care of yourself, and find another... your dear fairy couple."

Ming Yan spoke a little anxiously, and stepped even more anxiously, for fear that something terrible was chasing him from behind.

Ye Wuqing didn't say a word until Ming Yan left, and she didn't raise her head until Ming Yan left, and the blood on her beautiful face receded little by little.

Ye Wuqing didn't know how long she sat inside, she didn't stand up until her hands and feet were cold.

At this moment, she only had one thought in her mind.

Ming Yan doesn't want her anymore, there is no Ming Yan in her world anymore, she lost him, she didn't keep him well.

Various thoughts flashed by, Ye Wuqing pushed open the door, before he knew it, it was dusk outside, the sunset had already set, dyeing the sky orange red.

(End of this chapter)

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