Chapter 1671

After Ming just figured it out, his face turned pale instantly.

Yu Xiner doesn't want to live anymore, but there are so many people who care about her!
Ever since he came back with the young master and divorced Yu Xiner, Yu Xiner has become extreme. Ming Gang originally thought that no matter how extreme it was, nothing would happen. Who knows...

"Everyone is subject to change." Ming Yan said meaningfully.

He has made up his mind to leave Liangzhu, all he needs is to know whether Liangzhu is doing well or not.

But now, he can't even protect Liangzhu...

Elder Yu will definitely persuade Ming Ling to let the evil spirit chase and kill Liangzhu. At that time, Rosemary will definitely not stand by and watch, and Rosemary will participate, which means that Yang Yan will also participate. More and more people joined in to crusade against evil spirits.

Ming Yan suddenly felt as if all the strength in his body had been drained, that's all, the future of the Evil Spirit Sect had nothing to do with him.

He didn't want to stay in the evil spirit religion any longer.

The power that people yearn for has never been important to Ming Yan.

Ming Yan didn't want to stay in the evil spirit sect, and after Yu Xin'er was buried, Elder Yu would take action.

After Ming Ling found out, he just sighed and let him get well outside.

Whether he succeeds to the position of the leader of the evil spirits is not that important. His father, if there is no accident, can still live for hundreds of thousands of years.

Ming Yan decides to leave, and Ming Gang packs his things without saying a word and leaves with Ming Yan.

Elder Yu got the news and went directly to intercept Ming Yan, he was worried that Ming Yan would help that woman Liangzhu.

"Elder Yu, what are you going to do?" Ming Yan looked at Elder Yu who stood in front of him indifferently. Because of Yu Xiner's matter, Elder Yu has become more strict in many things, but it seems that Elder Yu just lost his beloved daughter. For the sake of it, almost no one would oppose Elder Yu.

Elder Yu didn't beat around the bush, and directly explained the purpose of coming, "Young master, if you want to go out, I don't care, but I hope the young master knows how to behave. Even if you don't help Xin'er get justice, don't hinder what I have to do."

Ming Yan clenched his hands suddenly, narrowed his eyes, stared at Elder Yu without speaking.

And Elder Yu just stood there with such a fearless face, if Ming Yan didn't agree, he would never let go!

Anyway, his only child was dead, and at this time, he didn't have any worries.

"Elder Yu, I believe you all understand why Xin'er fell into such a situation. I think you should know why Xin'er went to find Liangzhu. As long as Elder Yu doesn't go too far, I won't Will do it."

This is Ming Yan's biggest concession.

After finishing speaking, regardless of the elder's reaction, he directly bypassed the elder and walked outside.

Elder Yu suddenly lost the confidence to stop Ming Yan...

"Elder Yu, take care of your health." Ming Gang hesitated, but still said to the elder.

After that, Ming Gang chased Ming Yan away without looking back.

In an instant, Elder Yu seemed to have aged for many, many years, and the back of the whole person seemed to be filled with endless sadness and loneliness.

"Xin'er, why are you so stupid, leaving daddy behind for a man..." At this time, Elder Yu wished that Yu Xin'er was a man, so that there wouldn't be so many things...

Ming Ling knew that all of this had something to do with her son, so she tried to be tolerant where the elders could be tolerant.

(End of this chapter)

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