Chapter 1673

If Ming Ling wanted to seek justice for Yu Xiner, it would become more difficult.

"There are so many people around Yu Xin'er, which proves that her life in the Evil Spirit Sect is not too bad. Besides, she is the only daughter of Elder Yu... Whether Ming Ling will make a move depends on Ming Yan." Ye Rumu was thoughtful.

"Ru Mu, what does this mean?" Ye Wuqing looked at Ye Rumu suspiciously.

Ye Rumu twitched his lips and said with a smile, "If Ming Yan helps you, not to mention preventing the evil spirit sect from taking revenge on you, it will also prevent Ming Ling from making a move."

Ye Wuqing's eyes dimmed, and she said with a wry smile: "I'd rather say nothing to help me."

"Why?" Ye Rumu raised an eyebrow.

"Ru Mu, love debts are the hardest thing to repay. Since love debts are so difficult to repay, don't worry about other things." Ye Wuqing shook her head.

"Wuqing, you don't understand. If you really like someone, you are willing to help her no matter what. Besides, there is no complaint or regret." Ye Rumu smiled helplessly.

Ye Wuqing's eyes flickered slightly, "Really?"

Ye Rumu only nodded, looked out of the window, narrowed his eyes and said: "The Yang family urged Yao to go back."

"He is the young master of the Yang family, and he should go back. Rumu, you don't have to worry about me. I am no longer the Liangzhu who had no backhand." Ye Wuqing raised her hair. After so much, if you still If you don't grow up, it will be in vain!

"Even if we go back, we have to take you with us." Ye Rumu just said with a smile.

Not to mention that she is required to watch the maze now, even if she doesn't need it, she won't just let Ye Wuqing leave like this.

Ye Wuqing had no choice but to try to persuade Ye Rumu and Baili Yao to return to the Yang family, but now it seems impossible.

If this is the case, then just accept it!
The speed of the evil spirit sect was much faster than they had imagined, but within a few days, they were outside the maze.

Not many people came, so it didn't alarm other people in the fairy world, but sooner or later the news here will be revealed, and then someone will come to help.

There is also a layer of enchantment outside the maze. The enchantment here has been blessed by the dream all the year round, so it is much more stable than the one outside the green bamboo forest.

"The Evil Spirit Cult really has the ability to find us here so quickly." Ye Rumu walked out of the maze, and saw people wearing black cloaks around them using their spiritual power to destroy the barrier!
Baili Yao also came out, checked the number of the opponent, and asked calmly: "The number of people from the opponent is not too many."

But all of them are great.

Ye Rumu nodded, "He doesn't dare to bring too many people here. If others find out, it will be troublesome, but..."

Ye Rumu grinned, "I have already been notified that the church of evil spirits has come to attack the maze in the past few days."

Baili Yao immediately reached out and pinched Ye Rumu's face, frowned and said, "Why didn't you tell me such a big thing?"

Ye Rumu just laughed.

Seeing that there was no way to break the barrier, Elder Yu became anxious. If the scattered immortals living not far away could detect the aura of the evil spirit sect, they would definitely find it!

Elder Yu stood outside, staring coldly at Ye Rumu and Yang Yan who stood at the front.

"God Yang Yan, God Rosemary, I hope you don't meddle in your own business, and hand over the murderer who killed my daughter!"

(End of this chapter)

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