Chapter 1675

It's just that Elder Yu felt strange, why was there something wrong with the cool bamboo just now?And it only took a while to return to normal.

There must be something wrong with this!
The more Ye Wuqing thought about it, the more she felt that the people taught by the evil spirits were hateful!

Originally, it seemed that Yu Xin'er was only born in the evil spirit sect, and she did not make any mistakes. She just took advantage of her once, but she also paid the price with her life, and felt very guilty for Xin'er.

It is only now that I realize that I feel guilty towards those who are taught by evil spirits?That is unnecessary!

Elder Yu has lived for too long, even if his talent is not very good, after practicing for such a long time, his spells are much stronger than them, so... Ye Rumu did not decide to confront Elder Yu and others head-on.

"We are not the opponent of Elder Yu, so... we can only see how long this enchantment can last." Now in the maze, there are only her, Baili Yao, Ye Wuqing, Ye Xiaoye, and Wushangzi.

Baili Yao squeezed Ye Rumu's palm, and let Ye Rumu's attention focus on him, before Baili Yao said, "I'll go."

Ye Rumu frowned and looked at Baili Yao. If I heard correctly just now, does Baili Yao want to fight Elder Yu?
Baili Yao smiled slightly, "Don't worry about me."

Ye Rumu still shook his head, "No, people with evil spirits are full of tricks, and a person like Elder Yu will not be the only one who does it alone. If other people do it together, then you..."

"It's okay, just wait for me here, don't go out of the barrier." Baili Yao smiled, and has been a transparent person by Ye Rumu's side for so long, silently supporting her, as long as Ye Rumu Baili Yao didn't make a move if he could do it easily, but now, if he continues to shrink back, his wife might think that he has no strength to fight back!

Ye Rumu took a deep look at Baili Yao, seeing that he was really not joking, nodded, and said, "Okay, then you can go."

"Wait for me to come back." Baili Yao lowered his head, pressed a kiss on Ye Rumu's lips, and flew away.

Seeing Baili Yao go out, Ye Rumu's eyes are not worried about Baili Yao, but trust him!
"I'll go too." Ye Wuqing said and was about to fly on him.

Ye Rumu pulled Ye Wuqing back and shook his head at Ye Wuqing, "You can't use mana now."

"Why?" Ye Wuqing was surprised, knowing that Ye Rumu would not harm her, but she had to ask clearly.

"Killing will make you fall into the devil faster. Once you fall into the devil, there is no room for turning back." Ye Rumu said with a heavy face.

Ye Wuqing's complexion changed, "Yu Xiner really has a good plan! Whether I do it or not, she has already calculated how I will fall into the devil!"

Ye Rumu's eyes are complicated, the god has fallen into a demon, he is a god and demon, such an existence, the fairy world can't tolerate it!
Only the demon world where fish and dragons are mixed can accept all kinds of fallen demons. As long as you are a fallen demon, you will only be a demon race for the rest of your life!
Although no matter what kind of creature it is, there will always be good and evil in its heart, but what method did Yu Xiner use?
"Wuqing, did you feel any difference when you and Yu Xiner started fighting?" Ye Rumu asked.

Seeing that Ye Wuqing was frowning, as if she was thinking, Ye Rumu let her think alone without disturbing Ye Wuqing.

Ye Rumu looked at Baili Yao, and saw that Baili Yao hadn't experienced any bad things up to now.

(End of this chapter)

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