Chapter 1679

It's a pity that Ming Ling said before that he will not help in this matter, and will not favor any party.

So it was rejected.

In fact, what Ming Ling wants to say is that if he helps you, he might as well help his son!

For these elders and the evil spirit sect, Ming Ling has done many things that would cause him to be divorced from Ming Yan and his son. Now Ming Ling has figured it out, and no longer threatens his son to do things he doesn't like.

But Ming Yan was satisfied, but Elder Yu was not satisfied again!

Helpless, Ming Ling promised not to help anyone, which is already the limit, and Ming Ling will not agree to say anything else.

Elder Yu became cruel now, even if he died, he would drag Ye Wuqing to be buried with him!
Elder Yu has been bouncing around for too long, Ye Wuqing has left the customs, and Elder Yu is still thinking of various ways to put Ye Wuqing to death.

When Ye Wuqing left the customs, Ye Rumu observed Ye Wuqing's changes in surprise, and sincerely praised: "Not bad, you have risen to a small level in such a short period of time."

Ye Wuqing didn't have much joy, "With my current strength, I still have a certain distance to deal with the elders."

"Don't worry, Elder Yu is practicing the spells of the Evil Spirit Sect, and their power may not be as powerful as that of the Gods, or else they won't be able to deal with even Baili Yao." Ye Rumu said calmly.

The corner of Ye Wuqing's mouth twitched. After hearing this, it seemed that he felt a little regretful because he couldn't deal with Baili Yao?
Naturally, Ye Wuqing wouldn't jump out and fight Elder Yu one-on-one. These days, there are many people who want to kill the evil spirits to take revenge. No, every day there are people guarding the outside of the maze barrier, which means that the elders will appear together. Go up and kill Elder Yu!

It's a pity that Elder Yu has also become smarter, and every time he sends someone else to test him.

Elder Yu now wants Ye Wuqing dead with all his heart, and he can't even take care of the affairs of the evil spirit sect.

Ming Ling didn't take away the position of elder that Elder Yu had been occupying because he had been working for the Evil Spirit Cult. It's just that if Elder Yu continues to be so obsessed, the position of elder will be lost sooner or later!
Now Elder Yu hasn't thought about this, and he also thinks that Ming Ling will not withdraw his position as an elder, so he focuses on how to kill Ye Wuqing.

In a blink of an eye, a year passed, and occasionally Ye Rumu and Bai Liyao took their children back to Yang's house for a few days. Every time this was the craziest time for Elder Yu, it was a pity that Elder Yu never gave the barrier to him. destroy.

As time went by, Elder Yu became the hottest person in the fairy world—the laughing stock!
Usually, when everyone is idle, they talk about all the ironic things that happened to Elder Yu.

Although the evil spirit religion is a cancer in the fairy world, it has done so many things for so many people secretly.

"I just learned now that even gods are doomed to live forever, which is so hypocritical." Ye Rumu was a little helpless.

Baili Yao is not surprised, "The longer people live, the mind will gradually change, just ignore them."

Ye Rumu nodded helplessly. Now the fairyland is still peaceful, so the direction of development is more and more like the mortal world!

Probably also, these people have nothing to do when they are idle.

What is the difference between the cities of the fairy world and the cities of human beings today?
(End of this chapter)

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