Chapter 1681

Yang Jingjing knew that after Rosemary and Yang Yan left Ye Xiaoye in the Yang family, she went to the Yang family more and more times, naturally it was not because she liked Ye Xiaoye, it was born by a woman who robbed her of her man, she would No wonder you like it!
Yang Jingjing clearly stated that she had given up, and took this opportunity to get close to Ye Xiaoye.

Being close to Ye Xiaoye is naturally not to be kind to Ye Xiaoye, but before Ye Xiaoye, Mu Mu and Yang Lie fully trusted her, Yang Jingjing was really kind to Ye Xiaoye.

If things go wrong, there must be a demon, not to mention that Yang Jingjing liked Yang Yan so much before, how could she suddenly realize that she doesn't like Yang Yan, and still treat his son so well?

However, Yang Jingjing explained very sincerely: She was wrong before, and she knew that it was impossible for her to be with Yang Yan in this life, so Yang Jingjing wanted to get along well with Ye Xiaoye, Yang Yan, and Rosemary.

Since I can't please Yang Yan, what if Yang Yan's son will like her daughter in the future?
Mu Mu and Yang Lie couldn't say anything when they saw Yang Jingjing say that. After all, Yang Jingjing is the daughter of an elder, so she still has to give her face.

But Mu Mu couldn't be completely at ease, and sent someone to secretly protect Ye Xiaoye.

When she was free, she also went to look at Ye Xiaoye.

Although Ye Xiaoye is now more than ten years old, he is a big child in the mortal world, but in the fairy world, teenage years are like just born to the age of the fairy world, and he still doesn't understand anything.

Moreover, because he grew up in the mortal world, Ye Xiaoye grows up relatively quickly. After arriving in the fairy world, he may stay in his teens, and live in this state for 2 years before continuing to grow up.

After all, children who are hundreds of years old in the fairy world are only one or two years old.

Ye Xiaoye didn't say anything after knowing that he wouldn't grow taller in the next 2 to [-] years. His current height can allow him to do many things. Wouldn't it be better to let his grandparents treat him like a child?
Ye Xiaoye couldn't help but think of the six old men around Baili Yao when he was in Xuanhong Continent. At that time, they spoiled him unconditionally. Now...they are probably gone, right?
Thinking about it, Ye Xiaoye felt a little lost.

Mu Mu is very sensitive, once something is wrong with Ye Xiaoye, she finds out, and quickly asks: "What's wrong? Xiaoye, is there anything unhappy?"

"Grandma, I think of the people and things when I was in the mortal world. After so many years, they in the mortal world... I feel sad when I think that they are probably gone." Ye Xiaoye lowered his head, Said sullenly.

This made Mu Mu anxious, and quickly persuaded Ye Xiaoye, "Mortals will leave sooner or later, let alone mortals, even us immortals will have a day to leave, Xiaoye, you have to learn Facing all this. Ordinary people can be reincarnated. When you are strong enough, you can go and find out where they went, so you can see them?"

Mu Mu was in a hurry, after all, she had never comforted anyone before.

And Ye Xiaoye had been acting very well before, not like a teenage child at all. All the teenage children she had seen were still breastfeeding!

"Grandma, I know." Ye Xiaoye's sad emotions came and went quickly, and she was quickly abandoned.

It's just that I miss Uncle Qingjue and Sister Cangyuan a little bit.

Since they came back together,
(End of this chapter)

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