Chapter 1688

Ye Rumu's heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly asked, "What? Where did Qing Jue go?"

"I don't know...I don't know..." Cang Yuan said, and was about to cry.

"Did he not want me anymore? He clearly said that he would stay with me all the time, and we would get married when we arrived in the fairy world, but... he disappeared..." When Cang Yuan saw Ye Rumu, the grievance in his heart continued. I couldn't help it anymore, and burst into tears.

While comforting Cang Yuan, Ye Rumu asked with complicated thoughts: "What happened?"

Cang Yuan cried so hard that she couldn't speak, so Ye Rumu had to wait for her to finish crying before continuing to ask.

Sighing, Qing would never leave Cang Yuan for no reason, something must have happened.

Cang Yuan finally calmed down, and slowly said with red eyes: "Qing Jue has been unwilling to tell me who he is, and he is unwilling to go home, so I want to take him back to Donghai, but when my father sees Qing Jue , he cursed angrily, Qing Jue still remembers what happened back then, my father scolded him, but he didn’t say anything, just patted my head and left... I wanted to chase after me, but my father stopped me ...I...I didn't catch up..."

"I thought, what I should do now is to let my father let go of his grudge against Qingjue, and then tell him everything, but when I wanted to find Qingjue, I found... I couldn't find him... ..."

Ye Rumu frowned, and asked, "Now, is your family still against you being together?"

"Father has already let go. Father is just angry that I jumped off the cliff for Qingjue... Otherwise, there would be no such banquet now, but..." Cang Yuan said, the circles of his eyes turned red again.

Ye Rumu sighed, and patted Cang Yuan on the back, Qing Jue and Cang Yuan should not have been allowed to go in the first place.

"Since you have accepted your current status, you have to take care of yourself, Qingjue... I'll come to find you." Ye Rumu said softly.

"Sister Rumu, do you think I'm very useless... He never had a good day when he was with me, it was like this before, and it's still like this now..." Cang Yuan bit his lip, shaking his shoulders.

"This has nothing to do with you, don't take it to heart, find Qingjue, I will convey your meaning to him, maybe... Qingjue just go home and have a look?" Qingjue's true identity is very mysterious, Even if people from all over Mijia help to investigate, there is no news about Qingjue...

Ye Rumu didn't plan to tell Cang Yuan about this.

I don't know if the Lord of the East China Sea can find out the news that she can't find out?

The Lord of the East China Sea suddenly let go, why?
Judging from the fact that the lord of the East China Sea forced Cang Yuan so much before, he wouldn't let it go for no reason...

Besides, Xianmi is back now...

Ye Rumu put away her doubts, talked with Cang Yuan for a while, and then went out. Soon, Cang Yuan should appear on stage, so that people in the fairy world can get to know her well.

In today's banquet, the happiest person is the Lord of the East China Sea.The lord of the East China Sea entertained the guests with a smile on his face from the very beginning, and everything on the banquet was handled by him, which was extremely subtle.

Because of Qing Jue's matter, Ye Rumu was not in the mood to look around today, thinking about where Qing Jue would go?

Walking out while thinking, Baili Yao was no longer there, Ye Rumu frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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