Chapter 169 Traitor 1
Ye Rumu's heart is like thousands of herbivores rushing past... She is doing evil!
She gave Baili Yao a hard look, but she didn't know that she looked very attractive now, with red lips, watery eyes, and a little blush on her face.

She mouthed two words: "Get up."

Baili Yao was really obedient, hugged Ye Rumu tightly, and the two of them sat up together.

Ye Rumu: "..."

She was an agent in her previous life. Although she has changed many of her habits and fierceness as an agent, she still has her skills!That is the capital of her life!As a secret agent, she has a certain understanding of the acupuncture points of the human body. She took out a silver needle used as a hidden weapon from her body, and pointed it at Baili Yao's big acupuncture point.

However, Baili Yao had sensed the threat a long time ago, but he didn't stop Ye Rumu's movements, he looked at Ye Rumu without saying anything.

Just looking at it made Ye Rumu disarm and surrender. She put away the silver needle, but she was still reluctant to stick it.After this injection, her Xiao Ye would have no father.

Her movements made Baili Yao's smile even more alluring. He hugged her and whispered in her ear: "My lady, the fish is hooked."

Ye Rumu looked in the direction of the window, did the fish take the bait?She raised her eyebrows. She didn't know who this fish was, but it appeared in her room. Could it be related to her?
Suddenly, there was a sound of cold weapons hitting outside. Obviously, there was already a fight outside.

Ye Rumu pulled his hand away, got off the bed, and was about to go out to have a look.

Baili Yao took her hand and said, "Lady, wait a minute."

Ye Rumu stopped, she turned to look at Baili Yao, and said, "Article [-] of Chapter Three of the Covenant, you can't touch me!"

"Okay." He said, let go of her hand, quickly approached her, and hugged her waist.

Ye Rumu was slightly stunned, what did you say?
Seeing her expression, Baili Yao knew what she wanted to say, and he said: "When my husband said that the three chapters of the contract should be invalidated, the lady agreed. If my husband disagrees, you still have to bite my husband."

Although Ye Rumu knew that Baili Yao was talking nonsense, he couldn't help asking: "...when?"

"Miss, have you forgotten? It was the last time you pulled Weifu and forced Weihu to sleep with you!"

Ye Rumu thought that there was only one time when he slept in the same bed with Baili Yao, but is it really okay for him to distort the facts in front of her, the client?

Ye Rumu was unable to complain about Baili Yao's sudden thick-skinnedness...

Ye Rumu only felt the veins on her forehead twitch. Where is her noble and glamorous prince?She doesn't know the one in front of her...

"Miss, you have to be responsible! Your husband's innocence has already been given to you." Baili Yao said serious things with a serious face.

Ye Rumu was about to vomit blood, it was the first time he saw a man asking a woman to take responsibility... She didn't let him take responsibility, okay?Wait...why would you want to think that way.Just when Ye Rumu was about to go crazy, there was a knock on the door at the right time.

Baili Yao narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked out of the door with deep meaning.Yun Feng who knocked on the door trembled, why did he feel that he was going to be unlucky?

"My lord, the man has been caught! What should I do with it?" Yun Feng asked, holding back his bad premonition.

Baili Yao regained his dignity and glamor in an instant, and he said coldly: "Put him in a dark prison!"

"Yes!" Yunfeng replied, although he left quickly.

Ye Rumu was puzzled: "Who is he?"

Baili Yao sneered, "Traitor."

(End of this chapter)

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