Chapter 1698

Disgusting even.

The love of my life died at her hands!

Ye Wuqing didn't know where Ming Gang's resentment and disgust towards her came from, and she didn't want to know, "I'll come and see him."

"Young Master is fine, let's go!" Ming Gang did not welcome Ye Wuqing's appearance very much.

Ye Wuqing ignored Ming Gang and walked towards the cabin, seeing Ye Wuqing not stopping, Ming Gang immediately wanted to attack, but Ye Wuqing's next words made Ming Gang stop abruptly.

"This is the home that Ming Yan and I share. No one is more qualified than me to come here. You are even less qualified, let me go."

Yeah...he's never qualified...

No matter what it was, he was never qualified to...

Ye Wuqing opened the door of the cabin, Ming Yan sat on the bed, lowered his head, couldn't see his eyes clearly, and didn't know what he was thinking.

Ye Wuqing looked at him at the door for a while, then turned around and closed the door, and walked towards Ming Yan step by step, "Is that why you don't want to see me?"

Inside the tone was Ming Yan's unfamiliar sarcastic tone...

Ming Yan raised his head, staring at the face he thought about day and night, "No..."

Ye Wuqing sighed, knowing that the other party was a natural enemy, but she would always trust him.

She has nothing... what else is there to be afraid of?

Ye Wuqing sat on the edge of the bed and took him into her arms, "You don't want me anymore."

"No...I didn't...I want you!" Ming Yan panicked at first, and then said firmly.

"You said... this is our common home... will you stay? We will be together here, okay?" Ming Yan hugged Ye Wuqing tightly, afraid that in the blink of an eye, Ye Wuqing was gone.

In other words, he was sick and confused and imagined all of this. As soon as he woke up, there would be nothing left.

Perhaps it was because he thought it was a dream, so Ming Yan begged Ye Wuqing to stay for the first time.

"Okay, anyway, now I have a home and can't go back, so you have to take me in." Ye Wuqing replied pretending to be relaxed, but in fact, her eyes were already blurred by tears.

"This is your home!" Ming Yan said seriously.

"En." Ye Wuqing hummed.

Neither of the two mentioned what happened before, not because they forgot, but because the past has already passed, and the most important thing now is to live a good life today.

After Ye Wuqing stayed, Ming just left.

Ming Yan knew that Ming Gang cared about Ye Wuqing, so he didn't say anything, let Ming Gang leave, and then strengthened the formations and barriers around, he didn't want anyone to come in and disturb the world of two people between him and Ye Wuqing.

On a piece of green grass, Ye Wuqing was lying in Ming Yan's arms, basking in the sun with her eyes closed.

Ming Yan looked down at Ye Wuqing in his arms, unexpectedly, he could still have her...

"Zhu'er, let's get married!" After Ming Yan said it, he obviously felt Ye Wuqing stiffen in his arms.

Ming Yan was a little scared, afraid of forcing her away, so he hurriedly explained: "If you don't want to..."

"Okay!" Ye Wuqing opened his eyes, looked into Ming Yan's eyes, and kissed, "Call me Wuqing from now on, okay?"

"Okay." Ming Yan nodded, no matter what her name is, as long as it's her.

She resisted the name Liangzhu so much, which proved that she was going to leave everything in the past!

In this independent small world, it is not easy to find things for marriage, so the two just worshiped the world and made vows.

(End of this chapter)

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