Chapter 1705

Following the people's discussions, Ye Rumu looked and found a row of young girls standing on a platform. They all bowed their heads and did not say a word.

Xu Shi has been trained, these women dare not say anything more.

Indeed...every time I talk nonsense and play the princess' temper, I will be beaten and humiliated...

From the words of the common people, it is not difficult for Ye Rumu to guess that these people are the royal women of Xiwu Kingdom?
Unexpectedly, has Xiwu Kingdom existed for such a long time?
Back then...Ye Rumu frowned, didn't Xiwu Kingdom be destroyed?

Beside these girls, stood two guards. These people stood expressionless, as if they were waiting for someone to arrive.

Until a sharp voice sounded.

"The third princess is here—"

A young girl came in gracefully, with an arrogant face, she glanced at the girls on the platform, her eyes were full of disdain!

"Meet the princess!"

The people knelt down to salute one after another, this is the princess!

The princess was careless, originally wanting everyone to calm down, but after seeing a figure out of the corner of her eye, the third princess immediately stopped.

The third princess's eyes lit up when she saw Baili Yao's appearance like a banished fairy, but the two of them didn't kneel down. Thinking, her face sank, "You! And you, why don't you kneel down?"

The third princess's eyes were fixed on Baili Yao tightly, and she couldn't move her eyes away.

Ye Rumu and Baili Yao still stood still, ignoring the tone of the third princess' questioning.

The third princess saw that these two people ignored her!Immediately pointing at them angrily, he ordered his subordinates, "You guys! Let me catch the two of them quickly! This woman directly ruined her appearance and threw her into the kiln. This man is too handsome Some, is this woman worthy? Capture him and bring him back!"

The third princess didn't dare to speak too blatantly in front of the public, but, this man, she was determined!
The people were startled, and they all looked up to see which two people had offended the princess, and now they have to kneel on the ground and cannot get up.

When they saw their faces, everyone was stunned!

How could there be such stunning men and women in the world?

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Following the order of the third princess, many guards immediately rushed out from all directions to surround the two of them.

Just as Ye Rumu was about to make a move, Baili Yao stopped her and said flatly, "Let me come, don't get your hands dirty."

Ye Rumu withdrew his hand and nodded.

Before the guards got close, they were overturned by a gust of wind, and fell to the ground one by one, staring up at Baili Yao in shock.

Baili Yao was like a condescending emperor, the air around him seemed to freeze, and the atmosphere was gloomy!
Quiet, the surroundings are eerily quiet!
Everyone stared at Ye Rumu and Baili Yao in disbelief, guessing, who are these two people, so powerful?
"You! How dare you resist? Do you know who this princess is? If you kneel down and beg for mercy now, maybe this princess will forgive you!" The third princess stood up angrily and slammed the table!
The sound of "Bang!" represented the anger of the royal family, and the common people shrank back in fright, hanging their heads and daring not to speak.

With a wave of Baili Yao, the third princess immediately flew away like a piece of rag!


After the third princess fell to the ground, she spurted out a big mouthful of blood, and stared at Baili Yao with a pale face, her face full of disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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