Chapter 1718

"What are they going to do? Help the disciples of the various sects drive the monsters back to the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts?"


Almost in the blink of an eye, Ye Rumu, Baili Yao, and Lingzhi arrived at the place where the disciples of the major sects intercepted the monsters.

That day in the depths of the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest, Ling Shun, the senior brother of the Aotian Sect who met Ye Rumu and Baili Yao, immediately widened his eyes when he saw the two of them, and even his hands moved a little slower. His arm was cut by a monster!

"You... who are you? Why are you standing in the air?" Ling Shun was finally not calm this time!

He should have thought earlier, how could those who can appear in the depths of the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest and the flying monsters be ordinary people?

Baili Yao and Ye Rumu ignored those people, but formed an enchantment in front of them so that they could not harm the monsters.

There is no way for the monster to rush out.

But the monsters behind still rushed over, if this continues, the ones in front will be crushed to death!
Ye Rumu and Baili Yao had no choice but to create a few more barriers to give them enough space to calm down.

"Who are you? Why do you do this?" An old man narrowed his eyes, walked out from a group of disciples dressed in various sect uniforms, and looked up at Ye Rumu and Baili Yao.

"It doesn't matter who we are, the important thing is that these monsters will not go out to harm the human beings outside, and there is no need for you to hurt the monsters anymore." Ye Rumu snorted coldly, what is the name of justice? Killing monsters is not for the monster meat and monster inner alchemy!

Otherwise, they have been here for so many years, and now they know that these monsters are out of control, irrational, and it is the best time to kill them, so they jump out?
Some young disciples didn't understand the reason why the sect asked them to come here, they just thought it was a mission to protect the people, and they breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that the monsters really couldn't get out.

And some elders led the team with ugly faces, wishing to shoot down Ye Rumu and Baili Yao, the two nosy ones!

Ye Rumu observed the situation of the monsters, and even the flying monsters fell to the ground obediently, but the bright red in their eyes has not faded!
Ye Rumu frowned, took out some pills from the space, crushed them into powder, and sprinkled them on the monsters.

After a few blows from the monster, the wound stopped bleeding, and the violence in his eyes was much less.

Ye Rumu looked at it and sighed. Human beings have been unconditionally hunting monsters in exchange for living things, but has anyone ever thought that monsters also have their own lives?
Lingzhi looked at the countless dead and injured monsters below, her eyes were red. Although these monsters were not as noble and ancient as her blood, they were still the people of her beast clan!

Ganoderma lucidum flew down, and it was unknown what spell was used. The corpses of the dead monsters below disappeared immediately, and there was nothing left.

"Stupid humans, even if I make them all disappear, I won't let you do whatever you want with them!"

Lingzhi's sudden sound shocked everyone!

The people on the walls of the city of beasts, and people from the various sects stared at the talking fox!
Ganoderma lucidum released its aura, and after the monsters got restless, they all crawled towards the direction of Ganoderma lucidum!
Ye Rumu asked Baili Yao next to him with black lines all over his forehead, "Did this stupid human being scold us all?"

(End of this chapter)

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