Chapter 1740

The Great Elder stared at Ye Rumu with burning eyes, and Baili Yao couldn't help but stand in front of Ye Rumu, blocking the Great Elder's sight.

Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows, "Grand Elder, there are a lot of Xisui Pills."

In a word, the Great Elder immediately stopped looking at Ye Rumu, and rushed to grab those little bastards.

After everyone had taken the elixir and meditated on the spot, Ye Rumu took Baili Yao over.

Ye Rumu watched the painful expressions on the faces of the people, and said coldly: "The process of washing the marrow is very painful, but after the marrow washing is completed, the benefits of living will be ten times, a hundred times, or even a thousand times! And if now If you just give up, what awaits you is a ruptured tendon, at the slightest, you will become a disabled person, and at the worst, you will lose blood and die."

"During the process of washing the marrow, you should use your force as hard as you usually practice, so that the force in your body can be used."

Ye Rumu looked at the crowd, and after talking for a few paragraphs, he stopped talking.

Watching these young disciples grit their teeth one by one, their hair and clothes were soaked in sweat.

Some of their faces were already extremely pale, and blood was already bitten from their lips.

When encountering those who were about to be unable to persist, Ye Rumu asked Baili Yao to pry open their mouths, and stuffed in a elixir. After seeing that the disciple's condition was stable, Ye Rumu went to the next one.

After two days and two nights of effort, the marrow was washed and the eyes were successfully opened.

Because the impurities have been eliminated, even the newly opened eyes are as pure as a baby's eyes!

It's just the sticky feeling on their bodies that makes them collapse a little.

Thinking of the lake next to it, I rushed into the lake immediately.

Ye Rumu had expected it a long time ago, so he set up a barrier early and waited for them.

"Elder Ye, why can't we make it through!" the disciples asked anxiously.

Ye Rumu and Baili Yao stayed away from them a long time ago, so as not to be suffocated by the stench.

"If you just jump down like this, who will drink it? First go over and fill the water bag, and you can wash it as you like!" Ye Rumu said with a frown.

Everyone suddenly realized that they were only thinking about taking a bath just now, if they jumped in, the water would indeed be undrinkable!

At least they dare not drink it!
So everyone fetched water, and after drinking enough, they jumped into the lake.

With a sullen face, Baili Yao pulled Ye Rumu away. The two just strolled around for a while, but they heard the sound of arguing from the lake.

Ye Rumu and Baili Yao looked at each other, the arguing sounds didn't sound like those of the disciples, and there were female voices among them, obviously, people from other forces passed by here?

Because Dabi's place is very remote and uninhabited, and to go there, you need to pass this road.

It was expected to meet people from other forces, but why would there be disputes?

As soon as Ye Rumu and Baili Yao went back, they saw everyone standing by the lake, dripping wet. They obviously broke in before they had time to change their clothes.

And the woman standing at the front had her hands on her hips, her face full of anger.

"What's the matter with you?"

"Talk? Don't you know that this is the only source of drinking water on the way to Dabi? You actually take a bath here! You! You!"

"Which sect do you belong to? I want to see which sect is so rude!"

Seeing that these people were all wearing the same clothes, the woman guessed which sect they belonged to, but these people all took off their outer shirts, so the woman couldn't tell which sect they belonged to.

(End of this chapter)

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