Chapter 1747

Many disciples think that Aotian is powerful, but in fact he is not.

The most powerful ones are those families with rich backgrounds, royal families, or martial arts academies and the like.

The sects above ASEAN are already at a disadvantage.

In previous competitions, only Aotian had a disciple who made it to the top ten. If it wasn't because of Aotian's presence, the sect would have been forgotten or despised long ago.

However, even though Aotian has someone in the top ten every time, the Zongmen row is still looked down upon by other forces.

There are no fewer struggles in the ASEAN continent than anywhere else.

Ye Rumu rubbed his chin, if he takes the first and second this time, the Aotian Sect will definitely be popular.

Baili Yao looked at Ye Rumu, and he knew what Ye Rumu was up to at a glance, and said lightly: "Lady, if we do this, the Aotian Sect will definitely become the target of public criticism."

As for the Proud Sky Sect, I'm afraid they can't handle so many people.

Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows, "It's okay, let's improve the overall level of the Aotian Sect, and then set up an enchantment for them? An enchantment like the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts."

A hint of cunning flashed in Ye Rumu's eyes, she deliberately made the Aotian sect stronger.

Now is not the time to enroll students, as long as Ye Rumu arranges an enchantment, allowing the disciples of Aotian Sect to come and go freely, and others can't enter, wouldn't it be fine?
Moreover, the barrier cannot be broken, even if someone sneaks in in the future, a small number of people will not be able to pose any threat to Aotian.

"Lady, you are really cunning." Baili Yao suddenly laughed.

Ye Rumu blinked, "It's okay, okay."

The place where the competition was held was a certain distance from the town, and they were in the suburbs, so they set off early in the morning.

As soon as they walked out of the small town, everyone met the girl from that day.

Ye Rumu narrowed his eyes and sighed, "It's really a narrow road to the enemy!"

The girl led the people, condescendingly, walked up to Ye Rumu and the others with a haughty face, looked at the crowd, and said with disdain: "Oh, you are really people who participated in the competition, but it doesn't matter, I can't teach you in private , on the competition arena, I can teach you a lesson openly!"

"Waiting for you at any time." Ye Rumu replied with a smile, and the others looked at each other without saying a word.

After all, he is a man, and he is not used to arguing with women.

The girl thought that the other party was just holding on, snorted coldly, and led the person away.

That girl didn't seem to know the great elder of Aotian Sect.

"Master, who is that?" Ling Shun frowned, always feeling uncomfortable being stared at by those people.

"I don't know even if I'm a teacher." The elder shook his head, "I guess it's a young lady from some big family. I've never seen it before."

Ling Shun nodded, only during the competition can he know the identity of the other party.

"Let's go." The Great Elder patted Ling Shun on the shoulder and said calmly.

A group of people went to the venue of the competition and circled around. The residence was behind countless competition platforms.

The Great Elder led someone to report the name of the Aotian Sect, and the person guarding there blankly handed the Great Elder a bunch of keys with a piece of paper on it, saying the room where he would stay.

There were only 21 people from the Proud Sky Sect, two of them were in one room, and the Great Elder was in one room.

In the evening, someone brought dinner and the rules of this competition.

The rules of each big competition are different, but the specifics are also the same, so you have to read the rules every time.

(End of this chapter)

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