Chapter 1752

Isn't it strange that the Proud Sky Sect ranks in the top ten?

The more Ye Rumu thought about it, the more puzzled he became, and the more puzzles there were.

Baili Yao looked down and saw that Ye Rumu's brows were tangled together, and stretched out his hand to smooth her out, "Don't think about it, just let it be, after the competition is over, if you want to know anything, let's ask the suzerain."

"Huh..." Ye Rumu let out a foul breath, she almost got into a dead end just now.

"Well, you're right, I can't think about it anymore." Ye Rumu shook his head, and sat quietly in front of Baili Yao, watching calmly.

As soon as noon time came, regardless of whether or not everyone was present, a judge with a beard and a clean face stood up, "Now we will start to verify the number of participants in the big competition. If you don't arrive, you will be automatically disqualified!"

As soon as the old judge's words fell, someone came down to check the number of people.

The first ones to verify were naturally people from the first and second-class forces on another continent.

Ye Rumu lowered his head, not knowing what he was thinking.

The people who verified the number of people soon arrived at the elder, and the elder reported the number in a calm manner.

Seeing the verification person leave, and went to the other side to verify, Ye Rumu boldly looked at the people sitting on the judging table.

People from another continent are really different from people from the ASEAN continent.

"Elder, what's the name of that continent over there?" Ye Rumu frowned, in order to distinguish, there must be a name.

"Since the discovery of that paradise-like place, powerful people have moved there, and have made a grand competition every ten years. The top ten can all move into that world. Over time, that world will be overloaded. After growing up, they began to kick out the already weak families... That world is called Ximeng Continent..."

The Great Elder spoke slowly, and there was no sign of being infatuated with the so-called Western Union Continent in the words in his eyes.

"Great Elder, as far as I know, Aotian Sect is in the top ten almost every time, why not go to Ximeng Continent?" Ye Rumu wondered.

The Great Elder shook his head, and said bitterly: "Actually, the Aotian Sect went there when everyone first discovered the Ximeng Continent. Later, the Aotian Sect fell and was gradually kicked out. In the following hundreds of years, the Aotian Sect has just developed well, and it also has a top ten position in the Grand Competition, but... because of previous lessons, the previous suzerains have always disagreed to move to the Western Union Continent. The Western Union Continent People don’t even care whether we go or not, and it’s a better thing for them not to compete with them for resources.”

When the Great Elder said these words, the youths of Aotian Sect were not surprised at all, they obviously already knew about it.

"That's right, when Elder Ye and you guys were away, I took them out to practice. It seems that the people of Lingao Zongmen are bound to win this competition! There are many outstanding people in the Western Union, if I didn't meet Elder Ye and you , I'm afraid we will really be stepped down by the Lingao sect!" Ling Shun frowned and said.

Ye Rumu smiled, "How do you know that we won't be stepped down in the Aotian Sect? It's really hard for you to hide it from us! Unfortunately, I thought the competition in the ASEAN mainland was at this level. The first is It was easy."

Seeing that Ye Rumu was smiling when he said this, the others didn't feel that Ye Rumu was angry, so the elder quickly apologized.

(End of this chapter)

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