Chapter 1757

Almost everyone in Ximeng mainland has their own Xiaojiujiu.

In Ye Rumu's words, this was a contest without any difficulty.

Those who participated in the big competition were brushed off, and those who stayed, all of them hated Ye Rumu and Baili Yao.

You are so easy, you must have done something, right?

However, to everyone's disappointment, Ye Rumu and Baili Yao really didn't do anything.

Ye Rumu realized that her current force was stronger than the opponent, it would take some time, and she didn't want to waste time at all, so she let Lingzhi solve it.

But in the eyes of others, it's different. In their eyes, what they see is that the master is powerful, and the monster is also powerful.

However, no one would regard Ye Rumu's monster as an ordinary monster.

Soon, the top ten came out.

Then came the election rankings.

Those who were lucky enough to enter the top ten breathed a sigh of relief. Anyway, being able to enter the top ten finally did not embarrass the family sect.

Among the ten, Ye Rumu and Baili Yao took two places, and the rest were all from Ximeng Continent.

Lin Shan stared at Ling Shun bitterly, a forbidden pill can only be eaten once, he used the forbidden pill to knock down Ling Shun, but Baili Yao was also knocked down!

There is another hole card in Zongmen, which was won by the people from Ximeng Continent!
Even if you take the forbidden pill, is there no way you can win against the people from the West League continent?
In the hearts of the people in the ASEAN continent, the Western Union continent is an unattainable existence, but Lin Shan does not believe in evil, he hopes that Lingao Zongmen can step into the Western Union continent and become the kind of person they looked up to before.

But I didn't expect... this time, after paying such a heavy price, it was still brushed off.

And those two people... Ye Rumu and Baili Yao, these two names have spread throughout the continent.

Who are they, where did they come from, and why did they help the Aotian Sect?

Lin Shan's face was ugly, it would be great if those two were from the Lingao sect...

As Lingao's eldest disciple, Lin Shan always thought that the future Lingao meeting would belong to him. In addition, the elder suzerain trusts Lin Shan very much, so Lin Shan can actually represent the Lingao sect. If he invites you in the name of Lingao What about Ye Rumu and Baili Yao joining the Lingao Sect?
Lin Shan squinted his eyes. If the two of them suddenly changed their minds at that time, and they were actually members of the Lingao Sect, it shouldn't violate any rules.

The more Lin Shan thought about it, the more excited he became.

That's right... that's right, after today's competition is over, he will go to Ye Rumu and Baili Yao to talk about it.

Anyway, the final will not be held today, and we have to wait three days later.

After having this idea, Lin Shan has been paying attention to Ye Rumu's movements.

After all, as long as Ye Rumu is there, there must be Baili Yao, so there is no need to spend extra effort to find it.

During the three-day rest period, the whole town was shrouded in a depressing atmosphere. Every year, there would be unexpected rewards for the top three. This time, it will be announced tomorrow, and everyone can't help but guess who will win the first place. One, who will take away those coveted rewards.

The names of Ye Rumu and Baili Yao were naturally discussed by more people, and many people thought that they would be the first and second.

However, apart from wanting to win over the couple, Ximeng Continental now wants to find ways to win the game. After all, Ye Rumu and Baili Yao have not yet won over to their camp.

(End of this chapter)

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